(un-edit) Dark Yandere Cursed Homework X Reader: Private Tutor

Start from the beginning

It kept you from civilization and social life, from spending quality time with your family, two older siblings, a young brother, and parents who were good folk who volunteered for occasional events in town.

every time a surprise quiz, exam, or deadline popped up, you were cramped in your room frantically trying to cram in last minute study time and locked everyone out while listening to " Just Do It." Speech by Lia Beof and a group of university students on end to motivate yourself long enough to push through assessments.

Which was cruel in itself.. school life should be kept separate from home life.

At school, (y/n) is in the popular cliques and occasional mix with the normal crowd, friends with half of the majority of the student body.

sometimes, I wonder how you remember all their names, involved in school committee events, and fundraisers. Like every high school. You had a big crush on the popular jock. Short blonde hair with light blue eyes and charming smile. He also helped at school fundraiser and volunteered time at local anime shelter. But little shy around him.

(Picture of love interest above.)

Your teachers were not impressed with the missing, misplaced, or late assignments. Essays, you name it. But who could blame you or other tardy students?

Sometimes, teachers could be little too strict without considering students have a lot more emotional baggage in their lives and needed motivation. Life did not always resolve around school. But life is harsh.

There was life outside school too, something schools were supposed to educate in hopes of preparing students for the outside world of university and workforce all towards their own careers. Or other...

You wanted to study to become an actress in acting school to get into commercials that advertise products, to either tv show or movies someday. The glamorous life with a hot boyfriend, a nice penthouse in Malibu, california, a USA, and awards for best actress. Raise money for animal rescue charities to save animals and find good homes for them. You had it all planned out in your notebook on your desk.

[Interesting fact of the day: The oldest person ever to have lived (whose age could be authenticated), a French woman named Jeanne Louise Calment, was 122 years old when she died in 1997. Source: Geniuss World Records. Com)

One particular day, the teachers had enough, once again, out of all the students at the school. you were once again. This time late to hand in the due essay on U.S president of you and every tardiness of students with similar cases, except some deliberate acts to get out of assessments in favour of being sloths or leaving premises. even the legendary excuse of "The Dog Ate My Homework" thrown around, it made the teachers silently fume how irresponsible these and (y/n) (l/n) were being about late homework or last minute cramming to do as much as possible in a short span of time and barely pass the next day.

The teachers and principal were concerned at this rate the students would fail and education board breathe down their necks quesrioning their teaching methods.

They decided to take matters into their own hands, turning to dark arts to curse every tardy late hand in of assignments.

A fading brown leather bound book with the five point star symbol on the cover.

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