Chapter 19

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Ryu's POV

"I'm sorry do i know you?"

"Haha nice joke babe" i chuckled

"But i'm not..." he said

"Haha babe please stop, you're scaring me!" I said while gripping his arms

"I told you i'm not joking!" He removed my hands from his "I don't even know or remember you people!"

"No..." i fall down to my knees "this can't be happening... t-this is all just a bad dream..yeah! I will wake up really soon after this! This is all just a terrible nightmare! Everything will be back the way it is once i woke up!"

"Ryu calm down!" Ayumi tried calming me down

"No no no no no no!" I hold my head while looking down and tears starts falling from my eyes

"Mom, dad, who are these people and why is that wolf crying?" Hiro asks with a confused face, both his parents had a shock expression on their face, they both looked at each other then looked back at him

"Sweetie, they are your friends and this wolf over here is your best friend and boyfriend, Ryu" his mother explained, we all look at him and he starts examining all of us

"Friends? But I don't remember anything about them and what do you mean boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend" he said, those last words hits me really hard and breaks me inside, i immediately stood up and holds his hand

"Babe please, don't say that. We're already a thing and was about to get married, we've even put rings on each other's hand see?" I show him the ring on my hand, he looks down at his hand

"Riiight....i would believe you if there was a ring on me" he said which makes me look at him confused

"What do you mean? You have one, it's right he-" my eyes go wide as i saw that there was nothing on his hand "the ring? Where it is?!?" I started panicking and start looking around, suddenly the door behind us was open we all turned our head and saw the doctor walking in, as i saw his face my inside were immediately filled with rage "you..." i growl while showing my teeth, i charged towards him and pinned him on the wall while gripping his coat tightly and growling at him "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HIRO??!! I'LL REAP YOUR LIMBS APART!!!" I slam his body to the wall multiple times

"Ryu calm down!!" Ayumi said while her and the others tries to separate me and the doctor, i grip his coat even harder while growling and showing my teeth even more. I then heard footsteps running in the hallway and suddenly a pair of arms was wrapped around my shoulder and pulled me away from the doctor, i turn around and saw Aro senpai holding me tightly

"Ryu calm down!!" Aro senpai said as he keeps holding me tightly

"Are you alright sir?" Sarasa senpai kneels down and try checking the doctor

"Y-yes i'm alright, thank you" the doctor said as he stands back up and fixes himself

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!" I try to remove senpai's grip on me by struggling really hard

"Ryu calm down!!" Senpai holds me even tighter

"LET GO OF ME SENPAI!!! I'LL TEAR HIS LIMBS APART FOR MAKING HIRO LIKE THAT!!" I try kicking my feet, finally he lets me go but as i was about to kill the doctor my hand was pulled back, making me face Aro senpai and suddenly a hard punch landed on my face. The whole room went silent, i look at him while holding the place where he punched my and i saw him looking at me with an angry expression

"I said calm down!! You can't solve everything with violence! What were you planning?! Killing him and Hiro's memories will magically come back?!" He yelled at me, I didn't say a single word instead looking down at my feet "i know you really cared for him but this is not how you do it" i clenched my fist while still looking down

"Ummm...what is this all about again?" All of our attention was focused to the confused Hiro, his mom looks at the doctor and the doctor just nodded

"Come here sweetie, let's give you some fresh air first" his mom helps him getting out of the bed and they both then left the room and closed the door.

"So what is it doc?" Hiro's father asks

"He's quite lucky, there isn't any serious injuries on his body, only minor ones. But..." he took a small pause and then continues "his head was hitted really hard, he lost a lot of blood and because of the hard crash, it damaged some of his nerves, causing some memory lost or what we know as amnesia" the doctor explained

"I-is there any way you can fix it?" Jiro asks and the doctor shook his head

"For now we can't do anything about it" as i heard that i can feel my heart shattering into more pieces

"I-i it alright for us to take him home now" his father asks and the doctor nodded

"Yes, he've fully recovered now so it's alright for him to go back him" the doctor said

"Okay then, thank you doctor" his father bow down and the doctor nodded again, we all left the room and then went down the lobby and then goes outside, we all stopped infront of the hospital

"I'm sorry that this happened to you Ryu" his father said and i just stay silent "i promise, i'll do my best and try bringing back his memories" i look up at him and a small smile appear on my face

"Thank you" he nodded. With that, we all went into our separate ways.

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