Shinsou x Reader

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✨As requested✨

I was sittings in class, I should be paying attention and taking notes for the exam next week, but honestly Vlad's words were slipping through my brain as I focused on not passing out. I could feel the cold sweat drops in my forehead, my arms shaking, and even tho it was hot inside the building I was freezing. I was pushing my Blazer tightly around me trying to warm up when I felt a much warmer jacket landing on my shoulders, which I immediately grabbed and wrapped around me.
"(Y/n), are you okay?" Shinsou's voice echoed in my ears getting me out of the trance. "You're shaking like crazy."
"I-I'm not feeling well, Hitoshi." I turned around looking at him who was sitting behind me.
He placed his hand on my forehead and pulled away.
"You're burning. You should go home." He politely said.
"There's only ten more minutes of class, I'll survive." I shrugged.
"I'll walk you back to the dorms after class."
"I know, Hitoshi. We always walk back to the dorms together." I forced a smile at him.
"And that's a fake smile Kitty cat." He patted my head.
I rolled my eyes and looked back to the front till I heard the bell ring. I stood up and started putting my things away on my bag when I looked up, the lights seemed too bright for a second, then everything went black.

I woke up later, feeling better but confused laying on the bed of recovery girls office. The lights were off, but the sun still lit up the room, so I knew it wasn't that late. I looked to the side and saw Shinsou peacefully napping in a chair beside me, calm as always. I giggled thinking that the boy could literally sleep anywhere.
He really was Aizawa's love child.
I was about to stand when Recovery girl walked in, giving me a gentle smile.
"Hello my dear, how are you feeling?" She said as she walked to the bed.
"Dizzy, but better." I smiled back at her.
"You have something we call the ice fever. Is very common between people that have Ice quirks." She explained. "I'll prescribe you some meds, lots of water and rest. Also try to wear warm clothes and be as warm as possible. Okay?"
I nodded and she poked Shinsou's thigh.
"Wake up, boy. Be a good boyfriend and take her back to the dorms" Recovery girl.
"I'm not asleep, I heard the whole thing" he stood up And stretched, his shirt lifted a bit exposing a toned chest which I drooled over many times, but only inside my head of course. "Oh, and I'm not her boyfriend."
"Not by her choice I'm sure." Recovery girl said in my ear.
I blushed deeply and mumble a thanks as I pulled Shinsou out of her office.

I had an ice quirk, that had a few draw backs. Sometimes my body Temperature would drop severely if I was stressed. And I was definitely worried about Vlad's test. Because I spent a lot of time daydreaming about a pair of purple eyes in his class. And I mean a LOT of time. Ok, I couldn't recall a single class that he taught. I was completely, absolutely, undeniably in love, head over heels or whatever for Shinsou Hitoshi. He was kinda of a loner but we were able to become friends. He usually helped me to study  and I was beyond grateful for it, and for his patience of  explaining things at least four times so my fish brain could learn. Actually I usually get it in the first time, the additional ones are for seeing his lips move. Okay, I'm a creep. Guilty.

"What's on your head, pumpkin?" Shinsou asked as we walked back to the dorms.
"Just anxious, as usual." I smiled at him. "When my body is like this everything seems so... loud."
"You said that before." He said looking straightforward, hands in his pockets "I didn't understood it then, I still don't." He made the turn into the entrance.
"The cars, the birds, the people..." I opened the door and we walked in. "The tv, the idiots doing the dishes, Monokumas playlist... everything is ringing inside my head."
"I isolated my room, it's basically sound proof." He sighed boringly. "You can crash there if you'd like."
"I'll just change and shower." I smiled at him
"I'll count the seconds." He said ironically

I walked to my room and collected my stuff, headed to the bathroom and went downstairs to the showers. The water was boiling hot just the way that I like it, making me sigh as it touched my body, even the water falling on the ground seemed too loud. I washed my hair and my body, the smell of lavender and rosemary was great and always made me feel comfortable, and it also lasted long on the skin. And Shinsou always complimented it. I looked in the mirror and found a pale version of me, no color on my cheeks and my lips matched the rest of my (s/c) face.  I put on a white sweater, and a pair of black sweatpants, some fuzzy socks and headed upstairs to his room.

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