Something in the Road

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"So you decided to come in the end?" Nancy asked, breaking the silence in Barb's car.

"Mhm," I muttered.

Nancy huffed, before patting at Barb's arm.

"Just pull over and park here," she said.

"What?" Barb asked, looking as baffled as I felt, "His house is three blocks away!"

"We can't park in the driveway," Nancy said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "The neighbours might see."

I rolled my eyes and sighed in the back of the car, and Barb turned to me; "Look, Gracie and I will just drop you off, Nancy. This is getting too complicated."

I smiled at Barb encouragingly for finally growing a backbone when it came to Nancy and her new priorities.

"Come on, Barb! You promised you'd come so you're coming," Nancy snapped.

"Oh my God," I muttered from the back seat.

"Gracie, you didn't have to come!" Nancy rounded on me.

"Yes I did!" I yelled back, blood boiling, "Because you've practically bullied poor Barb into this and someone needs to be there for her, so it may as well be me! Besides, Will Byers has just gone missing in the woods- what are you going to do? Make me walk home alone?"

Nancy huffed, looking at Barb for some support. When she got none, Barb staring straight ahead at the road, she rolled her eyes and started rummaging with something in the foot well. I paid no attention as Nancy started changing her top in the front seat, staring out of the window at the woods, almost daring something to jump out.

"Is that a new bra?" I heard Barb ask, a glint of amusement in her voice.

"What? No," Nancy replied, self-consciously, tugging a shirt over her head.

I laughed humourlessly in the back as Nancy rolled her eyes again and fixed her makeup in the mirror.

About ten minutes later, we were in front of Steve's house. I'd forgotten that the place was practically a mansion...

Nancy rang the bell and the three of us stood, waiting for someone to answer it. Barb rocked back and forth on her feet, so I reached out my hand to quickly squeeze her shoulder in reassurance. She sent me an appreciative smile back before the double doors opened. There stood Steve Harrington himself, looking between the three of us with a way-too-smug smirk on his face.

"Hello, ladies," he said, gesturing for us to come in.

Nancy all but jumped into the house, while Barb stepped cautiously in after and I sauntered in after that, shutting the door behind me.

"I'd offer to take your coats," Steve said, "But I thought we could drink al fresco this evening."

Nancy giggled sickeningly as she followed the direction Steve pointed to, and I shared a look with Barb, rolling my eyes.

As I walked past Steve, he grabbed my arm lightly; "Hey, I'm really glad you decided to come in the end, Henderson," he said, a small smile on his face.

He seemed somewhat genuine, but I wasn't about to roll over and play nice just because he'd batted his eyelashes at me.

"I'm here for Barb... for an hour," I replied.

"That's cool," he said, nodding slowly.

I sighed, not wanting to seem like a total bitch; "Thanks for the invite, by the way... as reluctant as it may have been," I joked.

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