Just The Beginning

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Zoe Riddle gazed at her reflection in the silver serpent engraved mirror that was carefully hung up on her emerald tile bedroom walls. Her pale complexion glared back at her in an unwelcoming manner. Matted black locks concealed her hazel green eyes, ever so slightly, but enough to reveal how beautiful they were. She was a very pretty girl, however a glint of evil shone in her snake like eyes that terrified anyone who dared to stare.

She quickly knotted her tie and got ready to leave for the Hogwarts Express. Zoe's parents were nowhere to be seen. She was usually alone at home, while they were out terrorising the local half-bloods or muggle-borns. It made her upset to think that her own parents were the cause of so much loss and distraught in the world, but she didn't like to admit it. She needed to stay in character to stay alive. At least, that was what she had been taught.

Crowds of first years and crazed parents suffocated the train station Platform 9 and 3/4, hugging and kissing each other goodbye. Zoe rolled her eyes and scrunched up her lightly freckled nose in disgust. Secretly however, she wanted parents like that. Normal ones. The type of parents to wave you off to school, pack you lunch and kiss you goodnight. Yeah well not everyone gets what they want and life is unfair, she thought.

Violently pushing past everyone, she stepped into the famous crimson train, in a hurry to get a good seat. She wanted to be alone, not only because she believed everyone was obnoxiously annoying, but mainly because she dreaded getting recognised as "voldy's daughter" or "crazy bitch with the black hair" girl. She sat down in an empty carriage and prayed to god that no one came in.

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