My Perfect Family Part 2

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I brushed my teeth and changed out of my pink nightdress and pulled my silky blonde hair in a cute ponytail. I slipped on my fuzzy pink slippers and walked down the stairs following the trailing scent of fresh blueberry pancakes. Yum. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mother hunched over near the stove making the pancakes, one hand over her mouth muffling sobs but they were still mildly loud, and big fat tears rolling down her face. I rolled my eyes at her, They better not get into the pancakes and turn them all salty and stuff I thought. yesterday, when she made dinner is, was way too salty for my seven-year-old body to handle. So I did what any other person would do. I cut off her finger! I went to sit on the table with my plate of fresh pancakes butter and syrup I saw my dad on the other side reading his newspaper trying to reach for his coffee but I noticed his hand shaking causing him to spill droplets everywhere, but I guess that makes sense considering that I cut off his tendons in his left arm. I had a really good reason to though just last week I saw him making a call to a number that was forbidden in my household, 9-1-1. Besides he knows that all calls are to go through me to approve. Oh well, I sighed and got started on my pancakes.

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