Confusion and Conversation

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A couple of days had passed since Capper had moved in with Constance and so far things had been going well. Constance found his presence tolerable enough. For the most part her main focus had been making sure Capper's sudden appearance didn't raise any suspicion from local law enforcement. No need to involve the cities finest in matters she was already investigating. She'd even managed to pull a few strings and acquire the proper "legal documents" for Capper to be considered a "real" person. It had been quite the hassle and Constance was quite relieved that she'd finally managed to get it out of the way.

Currently Constance was sitting on her balcony enjoying the pleasantly cool evening air as she contemplated her next move. Jazz music gently played from her open laptop, a half typed progress report on the screen. Constance couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated about how little she had to report. Capper hadn't exhibited any particularly alarming behavior since she'd first encountered him. The only real thing of note had been his absolute confusion regarding most forms of modern technology. Television, motor vehicles, the concept of the internet, and smart phones in general were only a handful of things Capper seemed bewildered by. It was as if he'd never even heard of them before.

Constance recalled the time she'd turned on the tv and Capper had practically leapt out of his skin. She'd had to explain to him that there were not in fact real people behind the screen and that the events he was seeing were fictional. He'd asked her if it was some sort of magic and Constance had to explain to him that wasn't how magic worked around here. Constance could believe he'd never encountered modern technology, it wasn't impossible considering that certain tribes of cats took great lengths to isolate themselves from the rest of the world. What she couldn't believe however, was his complete lack of knowledge regarding the Enchanted. Even the isolated tribes had their fair share of magically gifted cats.

Constance saved her document with a sigh. Queen Sehkmet wouldn't be expecting an update for a couple more days, perhaps she'd find out more by then. Constance gently closed her laptop, she was decidedly done working for tonight. She absent mindedly took a sip of her tea, cringing as she realized it had gone cold long ago. Setting the glass down Constance rose to her feet and walked up to the balcony railing. She leaned against the railing, resting her arms on it as she gazed at the glimmering lights that decorated the city skyline.

Even at night Queen Sehkmet's palace managed to stick out from scenery surrounding it. Unlike most other buildings around it the palace had no external lighting. The towering, black structure seemed to absorb all light around it. Constance had always found it slightly unsettling how the city lights never seemed to reflect off it's seemingly glassy surface. Constance shook her head slightly as she rested her chin in her hand, redirecting her gaze towards the vague direction of her hometown. It felt like it'd been an eternity since she'd seen her siblings.

A light knock on the glass doors behind her roused Constance from her thoughts before she allowed herself to get too sentimental. Constance glanced over her shoulder to find Capper standing on the opposite side of the glass. He made a sort of "may I?" gesture before resting his hand on the doorknob. Constance nodded before turning her attention back to the skyline, quietly noting the sound of the door clicking open. Constance heard the gentle rustling of fabric as Capper rested against the railing not far from where she was.

Constance glanced over at Capper. The orange tom's gaze was fixed on some point in space, his expression troubled. The gentle light of the moon subtly illuminated his facial features, his green eyes glowing with reflected light. Sensing her gaze Capper turned towards her, a now familiar sly smile on his face. Constance turned her head sharply, pointedly breaking eye contact with him as she stifled a growl of annoyance.

This had become somewhat of a trend since Capper had moved in. As it turns out the ally cat is quite the flirt which infuriated Constance to no end. Even worse, Capper seemed to find her reaction to his advances amusing. To his credit once Constance told him enough was enough he'd stopped the flirtatious shenanigans entirely. Though she would never admit it Constance had found that she quite enjoyed the attention. That in and of itself only frustrated her further.

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