Chapter 4: Mt Glenn

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"Professor Oobleck?" asked Weiss, "You're going to accompany us on our mission?" "Yes," said the Professor. "Oh god not this crack-pot," said Venom. "I will be accompanying you ladies and gentlemen on your mission. And it's Doctor. I didn't earn a PHD for fun you know." He then ran so fast to the airship and said, "Come on, we are exactly four minutes behind schedule."

After riding in the airship over Vale, the Team arrived in an abandoned city that had buildings unfinished or crumbling. "Welcome to Mt. Glenn," said Dr. Oobleck, "It was meant to be an expansion of Vale before the Grimm came and invaded. They are dominant here, waiting for someone to come here to feed off their emotions." "Honestly, I prefer bright colors than this dump," said Venom. "Ruby, I thought I told you to leave your bags back at the ship!" "Well, you didn't tell us to listen to you yet," said Ruby. "She's not wrong. Very well Ruby leave your bag here we can pick it up upon our return." This made Ruby nevus now. "But I-Whaa..." "Young lady what in the world could you possibly have in that bag that could be so important for you to bring it..." Just then Zwei popped our of the bag making everyone to look at Ruby. Ruby then whispered, "Get back in the bag." "Busted," said Venom. "Shut up," whispered Ruby. When Oobleck saw Zwei he said in a stern voice, "We're here to investigate an abandoned urban jungle teeming with death and hostility and you brought, a dog?" "I-Uhh...!" "Genius!" After that everybody had confused looks on their faces and then Oobleck took Zwei out of Ruby's bag and said, "Canines are historically known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound. Making them excellent companions for huntresses such as ours!" After hearing that Oobleck told her she was a genius for bringing Zwei Ruby happily said, "I'm a genius!" Suddenly, a pack of Beowolves appeared behind them. The teams got their weapons ready, but Oobleck stopped them and said, "That won't be necessary. We are here to observe them. We will only attack if they attack us, aaaaand now they've seen us." "What?" asked Weiss. "AND NOW THEY'VE SEEN US!!" Oobleck repeated yelling. So the teams ran forward and started fighting. Yang shot them down with punches, and Weiss froze them, and Blake cut them down. Ruby was the fastest, and sliced, kicked, and smashed the most down. Soon, the area was cleared, and Doctor Oobleck asked Ruby to come with him while the rest got a camp ready.

That night, when everyone but Ruby, who was on watch, was asleep, Yang opened her eyes and whispered, "Blake, you awake?" "Yeah, what's up?" asked Blake. "Why do you think Oobleck asked us why we wanted to become Huntresses and Huntsmen?" asked Yang. "Maybe he was just curious," said Blake. "Weiss, you awake?" "Of course I'm awake," complained Weiss, "you guys are talking. And well, I think Oobleck asked because... Well, when I said that I wanted to uphold my family's name, I meant it. My father has done horrible and questionable things that hurt our name more than anything, and I refuse to let him be the end of it." "I just wanted to do right for a change," said Blake. "What do you mean Blake?" asked Yang, "You're not one to back down from a fight." "YES I AM!" countered Blake, "When I was scared, I ran. When I left the White Fang, I ran. When you guys found out I was a Faunus, I ran. Even my,... Semblance! I was born with the ability to leave an empty copy of myself to take the hit while I run!" "Blake," said Venom, who came out, "I may not know you that much, but you should know, being a coward only weakens bonds. If you're afraid of something, you must stand with friends. Friends make us stronger." The girls were shocked at the wise words that Venom gave them. "Well, at least you guys have something that drives you guys," said Yang, "I've always gone with the flow. I mean, I wanna become a Huntress, for the adventure, not knowing what tomorrow brings." She then turned to Ruby. "I'm not like Ruby. She's always wanted to become a hero. She wanted to be someone who would always help anyone in any way she could." Later, 

Ruby was awakened by Zwei. Zwei headed down and started to pee. He then noticed White Fang goons after Ruby came down. The two got down and hid from view. The two followed them until they just disappeared behind a corner. Ruby then fell through the ground, and she was landed feet first. "HUMAN!!" cried a voice. Ruby turned to see the White Fang, and they had their weapons pointed at her. "Guys, you don't want to do this," said Ruby, "Just surrender, and no one gets hurt." The grunts laughed. Ruby then said, "Okay, have it your way." 

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