"Just leave us alone for once, Malfoy! We haven't even made it to the castle yet and you're already annoying us with your presence!" She sneered and crossed her arms across her chest. "Did your dad not get you the right comb? No need to take it out on us just cause your hairstylist cancelled."

My eyes locked on Draco Malfoy and then moved to his three bodyguards (Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise) that stood a few feet behind their dictator.

"What? It was an accident." Draco tried to sound innocent but his tone fell short. It was very difficult for him to act innocent. He was only a second away from having his own criminal documentary.

Draco's perfect hair was only slightly disheveled by the wind and his salt eyes were filled with amusement as he looked down at me. "You alright down there, Birdie?" Draco taunted. "Kind of fitting for me to be above you. Seems very symbolic."

''Birdie' was the nickname that Draco had labelled me with since first year. He seemed to think that it was genius since my last name was 'Robin'. Congrats, Malfoy, you've got the whole crowd laughing with that one.

"You wish you were on top of her." Izzy quipped. The innuendo made the hills of my cheeks burn. Even that seemed to get to Draco.

"You're as charming as ever." I spoke with sarcasm etched into my voice. Draco's minions snickered.

Izzy reached her hand out for me which I grabbed so that I was actually standing on my two feet. Totally not humiliating or anything.

"I knew you missed me, darling." Draco teased mockingly and leaned forward to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. However, just a second after Draco had touched me a fist made contact with Draco's cheek. Out of shock and pain Draco quickly removed his hand and held it to his semi bruised face.

"Get back in the womb, Malfoy! Your mother clearly didn't keep you in long enough." Izzy spat at Draco making Goyle burst into laughter. I couldn't help but laugh either.

"Punch her back, Draco. Go on!" Crabbe insisted passionately once he had finished laughing. Draco ignored him and wiped blood that Izzy had impressively managed to draw from his face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Draco asked condescendingly but kept his voice below being raised. Nevertheless, there was still a storm playing in his eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I repeated and glared at Draco. "If you wouldn't have been an asshole for a few minutes then maybe you wouldn't have been punched! You're always playing the victim."

Draco seemed surprised that it was me who had spoken but his expression didn't change much. Now he just looked bored.

"Punch her too!" Crabbe said giddily. Whenever there was a fight at Hogwarts it was probably Crabbe who had prompted someone to start it. Slithery arse.

Draco shook his head and looked me up and down distastefully. "They're Hufflepuffs. Not worth my blood. Even a drop of mine wouldn't make Birdie's pure."

"Come on, Malfoy. You're only scared that you'll lose." Izzy pushed. Thanks bestie. I don't fancy getting swung at by Barbie's boyfriend.

Draco shook his head again. An amused grin slid across his face. "I'm not fighting you." He said to Izzy and then his eyes flickered to mine. "And I'm definitely not fighting you, Birdie."

"Scared you'll lose to a 'girl'?" I said in a feigned upset voice.

Suddenly, a booming voice tore me away from my thoughts. "Come along everyone!" Hagrid called and indicated to Hogwarts with a nod of his head towards the castle.

I hadn't realised that a crowd had formed around myself and Draco until they all began following Hagrid's orders by walking behind him towards the school. After one more sneer from Draco, he turned too and followed by his minions, he started towards the castle.

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