Chapter 2

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Rhen entered the cottage and saw her mom sitting at the kitchen table.

“Your dad is upstairs with the woman. I know you have lots of questions but I need you to fetch the herbalist.” Rhen’s mom requested.  Rhen agreed and ran to the herbalist cottage on the other side of town.

As she ran, she bumped into Danny. Danny. Rhen thought he was super cute. He was rather small, and had shaggy blue hair. He was super sweet, and 17, Just like Rhen.

“Hey Rhen.” Danny said. Rhen blushed.

“Hi Danny. I’m sorry but I can’t talk right now”. Rhen smiled and hurried away.

When she arrived at the herbalists house she asked the herbalist, Dyonna to come by her cottage.

“Are your parents okay?” Dyonna asked.

“Yea, but I found a woman, and she is hurt. My ma asked me to come and see if you could help.”

“Of course I’ll help Rhen! Let’s go.”


When Rhen and Dyonna returned to Rhen's cottage, Rhen brought Dyonna into the room that Talia was in.

"Dyonna will help our guest get better." Pa placed a hand on Rhen's shoulder to comfort her.

"Who is she Pa?" Rhen had been as paitent as she could be, but she had many questions and no answers.

After a moment of silence Pa answered. "She is a priestess from a far away land."

"A real live priestess!! You two know each other?"

"Yes... a lifetime ago." A nostalgic look appeared on Pa's face.

"Pa, why would a priestess from a lifetime ago come here to see us?"

"We will talk about it tomorrow. Go talk to your mom. She needs you to run an errand for her."

Rhen unwillingly complied. She found her Ma standing in the kitchen.

"Pa said you needed me?" Rhen asked her Ma.

"Yes", her Ma answered. "The festival is tomorrow and there is a still a lot of work to be done. I saw your friend Peter gathering flowers in the meadow for the festival tomorrow. I need you to take this basket and bring me some flowers as well." Ma handed Rhen a basket.

"Do I have to Ma?" Rhen asked.

"Oh, it won't be that bad. Just gather some Marrion Bells and then you can relax."  Ma gave Rhen a sympathetic smile.

Rhen let out a sigh. "Yes Ma."

Rhen walked across her small village to get to the meadow. She grew up in the quiet and isolated town of Clearwater. The town was small, only a hundred or so people living there, and everyone was friendly and close. Clearwater was located on the East Isle and was governed by an elected mayor. Rhen’s  Ma and Pa were caring and kind people. Her family was never rich, but they were never poor either.

By the time Rhen collected and filled up the basket with Marion Bells, evening was approaching. The sun was beginning to set as the sky slowly grew darker.

She returned home and handed the basket over to her Ma. “Here are your flowers.”

“Thank you sweetheart. I made dinner for you. After you eat you should head to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.”

Rhen followed her moms instructions. She ate the meal her mom prepared for her and went to lay down.

As she lay in bed, she thought about all the events that had taken place today. Who was Talia? How did her Pa know her? What secrets was her Pa hiding from her? A million thoughts flooded her brain as fatigue overcame her and she fell asleep.


Somewhere far from Clearwater, the daeva Agas was talking to a hideous, hooded figure- Ahriman.

“Where is the priestess, demon?” Ahriman asked in a raspy and deep voice.

“She is dead Sire” answered Agas.

“You lie! I see her in my dreams” the foul creature was clearly angry.

“But Sire I struck her down,” Agas began.

Cutting Agas off, “Fool!” The demon would not put up with the incompetence of his servants. “Perhaps it is for the better. I have changed my mind. I would prefer for her to live."

Clearly confused Agas began to speak, “I do not understand Sire."

“Death is but a swift escape. I want to the priestess to suffer. A slave suffers a lifetime."

“So you shall see her enslaved, Sire? But how?”

“I have a new servant who wishes to become a daeva; he knows the land where the priestess has fled to."

“He wished to be one of us, Sire? He must be dark indeed."  An ominous smirk spread on Agas’ face.

“Dameon, show yourself.”

A man approached from the shadows. He was wearing a green tunic and a heavy red and gold cloak. He had the left side of his head shaved, while the right side was long and straight. A gold band  was worn around his forehead.

A hiss escaped Agas. “A Sun Priest!” Agas made no attempt to hide his disgust.

“Better. A druid. The Sun Guardian." The demon responded.

“Better?! How can this be better? Are you not afraid that he will destroy us.”

Dameon began to talk. “The Sun God has betrayed me, I work against him now. I know a slave trader who will find the priestess a harsh master. My mother will get what she deserves."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2015 ⏰

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