"It's not fine" both Louis and Niall say at the same time. Looking at each other confused but at least agreeing. And so the tension is back. I don't regret telling them tho, as much as I feel safe with Louis now I will not pretend that the bullying never happened.

"Ehh i could come back later" the waiter interrupts the awkward silence.

"Nah it's fine, I would like your original burger with a side of fries please. Oh! And mozzarella sticks" it shocked everyone how Niall turned cheerful again in a second. The rest of us order and soon the waiter is gone and the silence is back.

"Sooo" I decide to end it " if we are all done with the well deserved death threats, and back to being friends, how was school?" They slowly look up at me, not sure if it's a trap. But slowly we start trash talking the new kid and how much of a jerk he is. And Zayn is quick to chip in how I knocked him out with a punch.

*ding* we all turn to my phone on the table lighting up. I mutter a quick 'sorry' and open the new message from Kendall.

"Who was it" Niall asks

"Uhh.. a friend of mine from America is close by and would love to see me for a bit, do you mind if she joins?" They all seem happy to get the opportunity to see who I hung out with in America.

Not long after, the door opens up and Liam's jaw drops.

"Guys! Omg, Kendall Jenner just walked in, what the fuck?"

"Omg she is walking to us" Louis chips in

Niall just turns to me and smirks knowingly. I smile back at him while standing up. And when she spots me she runs into my arms.

"Harry, I missed you!" She mumbles with her mouth to my shoulder. I give her head a quick kiss before loosening my grip, letting it slide down to her hips, continuing to hold her close. We turn to the boys who are all gaping at us. Except for Niall who is quickly on his feet.

"Nice to finally meet you Kendall, im Niall"

"Oh so you are the famous Niall no one could compare to, it's a pleasure to meet you" I smile at them before turning her attention to the three, still shocked, boys.

"Kendall this is Liam, Zayn and Louis. Boys, this is my friends Kendall"

She went to order and the boys recovered. And when she got back she took the seat next to me.

"So, how come the two of you are friends?" Zayn asks

"We meet at a mutual friends party.."

"At Ed's?" Niall asks

"Yeah, Ed Sheehan's, we meet at a party he was hosting, we both got drunk, horny, and had sex, and have been good friends ever since" she smiles and once again their jaws touch the floors.

"Hold up! One, you know Ed Sheehan? Two, you fucked Kendall Jenner? Why the fuck didn't we know this before" Liam asks

"One, Don't say it like that, me and Kendall fucked each other" I smirk at them. All the boys, even Kendall laugh, but not Louis. He glares at Kendall. Why the fuck would he care who I fucked half a year ago?

"Two, Ed is a really good friend of mine. And I didn't feel like it's something you had to know. They are my friends, just like you guys... kind of..."

The rest of the dinner went... okey, I think. Kendall was touchy, but she always was. And Louis was quiet, which he never is.

When we were done with the food we payed and Kendall stopped to take photos with the workers. Later she joined us at the front of the diner and hugged everyone goodbye.

She held me a bit closer and a bit longer. Which I don't mind. "Louis is very jealous you know, I think he likes you" she whispered in my ear. I let out a small laugh "it's complicated, I don't think-"
"I don't care what you think, uncomplicate it. And if you ever need to make him jealous, I'm only one call away"
We let go and she waves once more before getting in her car. Before closing the door she shouts at me: "if you ever want to repeat that night,
Or one of the others, I'm just a call away... mate" a laugh and she drives away.

"You slept with her multiple times?" Zayn asks

And I shrug while answering "well... she was good in bed, you would too!"

"Hell yeah I would!! So friends with benefits?"

"You could say that, yeah"

"Alright, I'm going to go home and dream about it being me instead of you Harry, good night" zayn says

"I'll join him" Liam chips in and waves goodbye

Niall hugs me and tells me to call if I need anything. And suddenly it's just me and Louis left.

Marcel turning Harry. L.SWhere stories live. Discover now