I: A New Adventure

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"WoAH-" Bennett yelled as he tripped over a cat which had seemingly appeared out of nowhere on the step before him. He fell down the stairs doing somersaults, and landed face down on the ground.

"Mrew~" meowed the cat as it crossed from in front of him.

The adventurer stood up with a groan and dusted himself off.

"Are you okay?" Asked Herman, who had been passing by the staircase when Bennett fell.

"Ah, yes I'm just fine! I wanted to try a unique way of going down the stairs, hehe..." Bennett said in his usual overly cheerful tone as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I see... well, I think you should go get that knee checked with Barbara..." and with that, he left.

"My knee..?" Muttered Bennett as he peered down at his knee, and sure enough, found it bleeding.

"Oh man... now I'm gonna be late and have to go on my adventure without lunch..."

He sighed and headed back up the stairs to the cathedral. It wasn't strange for him to not feel the pain. You see, Bennett was used to it by now, being the unfortunate guy he was.

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After getting his leg bandaged, getting scolded by Barbara, and taking some extra bandages with him just in case, Bennett headed out of the Mondstatian gates in search for a new place to explore.

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Windrise was a breath of fresh air for him. Mondstat was busy due to the Windblume festival, leaving the world outside the gates desolate and free for exploration.

The blonde boy took out his crumpled map and searched for an unmarked place.

"Aha!" He pointed out a certain spot and decided on a trail he would follow in order to get there.

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The further he went, the more his knee ached, and the constant tripping and bumping along the way didn't help in the slightest.

But Bennett was now closer to the spot than ever, and he was not about to turn back.


A run-down temple lie ahead in the place which he had marked on the map. It surprised him how he had never seen it before, as it was a rather 'epic' sight, as he would say.

The boy hurried into the temple grounds, completely forgetting about his injuries, and started to explore. He picked up rocks and examined them before placing them back on the ground (leading to him tripping over them), he knocked on the walls in search for a hollow sound (leading to a nest of birds to fly out of a hole in the wall and attack his hair), and after he was done, he headed towards what he considered to be the most interesting part of the temple.

A tunnel from which he had just heard a loud growling noise.

As the adventurer tiptoed into the dark tunnel, he was instantly greeted by a rather unusual sight.

The path was blocked by iron bars, but more bizarrely, a feral-looking boy sat beyond them. He had long, pale grey hair and a scruffy looking outfit which reminded Bennett of his own.

The feral boy suddenly snapped his head towards Bennett's direction. His red eyes widened.

"Quick... get out!" He yelled.

"Wha..." started Bennett, looking at the boy, confused. But he was soon given an answer, as a loud bang was heard behind him, and when he turned around he found that another gate had been lowered, trapping him inside.

"Ah... well of course this tunnel would have two automatically closing gates..." Bennet smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head.

He heard a loud sigh come from the other boy and turned towards him. He looked upset.

The blonde boy sat in front of the other, a gate of iron bars separating them.

"So, what's your name? I'm Bennett, and I'm the leader of Benny's adventure team! Surely you must've heard of it! It's a real shame that I didn't get to explore this area further, but that's okay. At least I get go make a new friend, hehe. How long've you been in here for?" Bennett rambled on, cheerfully.

The other groaned. "Talk... too much."

"Oh, I'm sorry! I can get carried away sometimes..."

The grey-haired boy looked up at the other who was currently looking at the ground, his crossed legs bouncing up and down as though he was bursting with energy.

He sighed once again. "I am Razor. I am wolf. Been here for... long time." He looked down as his stomach rumbled. "...Hungry."

'Oh, so that's where the growling had come from...' thought Bennett. He looked up at the boy before him with the strange but cool name, and unique way of speaking.

Who was he? And why was he claiming to be a wolf? The reason was beyond Bennett, but an interest for Razor had sparked inside him.

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Greetings, fellow Genshin fans!

I don't like adding author's notes at the end, so this one will be short, and you probably won't hear from me (as the author) again until the last chapter.

I recommend listening to the song attached at the start of the chapter as I think it describes Bennett and maybe even Razor pretty well.

Well then, enough from me. I hope you enjoy this story!

- Mori

Good Luck, Bennett (Rannett)Where stories live. Discover now