chapter 5

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8 a.m.
you woke up from a peaceful sleep to the sun shining brightly, warming up your face, this was your first time waking up in a proper bed comfortably....being able to look at the sun and hear the birds chirping. you felt something you've never thought you'd feel since your parent's death, calmness. 

It was something you've always wanted to feel, being in a cell at hydra's base never really gave you a chance to feel calm cause the first thing they want you to feel when you wake up is fear. fear of when they'll come and take you to get your daily beating, fear of when they'll shock you to the point of death, fear of when you'll be tested on again with multiple needles and with little to no rest or breaks. all you felt in your 17 years of life was fear and it's definitely weird feeling calm for the first time.

that's when you remembered what happened last night, the nightmare, the scream, the tony putting you to bed. you groaned and fell back on your bed wondering how you were gonna go out of your room after this or even look at them. you groaned once more before deciding to go and take a shower and go out anyway before they come looking for you

 you took a nice warm bath, brushed your teeth, wore some clothes, and went out to the elevator to go to the place they called the living room

"good morning Ashton" you jumped at the sudden voice "good morning Friday" 

"would you like to go to the living room?" what an easy way for this living building to read my mind you thought

 "yes please, thank you" you replied to the AI, it still felt weird to talk to something that replies through walls but it did make things easier. once you reached the level you wanted to be in you smelled something that made your stomach grumble the minute the doors opened

you walked out and saw someone in the kitchen so you walked over, you saw steve there doing something. he didn't notice you so you thought, why not greet him first "good morning" you were peering over his shoulder by now

 "oh Jesus!, omg you scared me (deep breath) and good morning to you to ash" you chuckled in return and he joined you too. "want some pancakes?" he asked after seeing you staring at the thing he was making "is that what made me hungry and smelled good?" you asked and he chuckled in return

"yes they are what made you hungry" he said with a grin "try them, you'll love it" he said and put two on a plate for you, 

he watched as you took your first bite, and the minute it landed on your tongue god did it taste like heaven to you. your eyes widened and you ate the whole thing in seconds and asked for another one. he laughed and made you more pancakes, after making more for the team he joined you eating breakfast

you were thankful he didn't bring it up yet, cause you're definitely sure you saw his face yesterday through all the chaos

"someones up early, good morning Ashton, Mornin rogers" you turned around to see Natasha walking up to you both "good morning" you both replied at the same time and soon she joined for breakfast as well. you were eating chocolate chip pancakes while she took the normal ones but with some berries on top

there was a comfortable silence as you guys ate, and no one really seemed like they wanna ruin that

a little while later everyone was in the kitchen eating breakfast "friends it seems that I am needed back in Asgard, so ill be leaving in a bit" thor said while eating breakfast and you looked at steve "what's Asgard?" the puzzled look on your face made them wanna pinch your cheeks

 "Asgard is actually a place where point break came from" tony said pointing at thor. you made an 'O' with your mouth signaling you understand but squinted your eyes to 'point break' but just let it slide

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