Chapter 8 - The Post War Election

Start from the beginning

Out of all the possibilities, why was this the chosen one? He knew his friend, he knew the man named Aloriatt was unpredictable, but this was beyond anything he could have imagined. What changed? What happened? No, he knew Aloriatt. Aloriatt would never do anything that wouldn't result in his benefit, who bribed him? Who was it? Or what did they tell him?

The clues had begun clicking in the brunette's head. A god? Impossible, he told himself. It's one in a trillion, there's no way.

But what if the universe was just cruel enough to do that? After all, the universe had killed the light from a boy as bright as day, the universe had ruined the childhood for a child as sweet as honey, the universe was cruel.

"Vernilson… I.. I fucked up.." Alexander muttered. He began to grip on Vernilson's coat tightly, Vernilson stared into his friend's cold eyes. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. A phrase that described Vernilson and Aloriatt's friendship. There was only one thing to do now, his friend was no siren, but his friend was indeed persuasive.

Perhaps he'd have to tread carefully, the brunette then turned towards the disfigured man beside him. A slight smirk on his face as he had an idea that would secure his victory. He tapped the boy gently on the shoulder, gesturing for them to go behind the stage, hidden from the public eye.

"What do you want?" Qwerin crossed his arms. 

The siren stared into the boy's eyes, "let's make a deal." 

Qwerin raised his eyebrow, Vernilson had caught his interest, "I'm listening…"

"Let's pile our votes together," he smiled at the shorter boy. A smile that could send chills down anyone's spine. Alexander observed from behind the scenes, he was never good at convincing others. Qwerin smirked confidently at Vernilson, he knew what games Vernilson was playing at, he will get a good deal out of this.

"...what do I gain from this 'deal'?" The dark haired boy stared up at Vernilson's brown eyes.

"Weren't you joining in the election just for the sake of it? I'm sure you won't mind piling your votes with the clear better choice," Vernilson had begun his negotiations.

"Oh ho ho? Who said I wasn't aiming higher?" Qwerin persisted. Vernilson frowned, there wasn't much he could say to turn this around.

"I could give you a high position, perhaps the cabinet?" Qwerin hummed as he thought about the deal. He wanted more than just to be part of the cabinet, but Aloriatt… he was a single competitor… meaning that if Aloriatt won, his title as the vice would be secured.

"I think I have a better chance with that Aloriatt guy, sorry dude," Qwerin pat Vernilson on the shoulder as he walked away.

Vernilson stared blankly at the space in front of him, though his face showed no emotion, his heart began beating speedily. Thump, thump, thump, he could hear it in his ears. How? He was a siren! Did his skills decrease so much that he couldn't enchant a single boy now? He was confident in his abilities, he had talked his way out of being killed, out of being jailed, out of everything.


How was any of this possible?

What had happened?

If only Soraine were here..

If only he had half the charisma of his older brother.

If only he wasn't just a swindler.

If only Alex-

"Vernilson calm yourself. Your thoughts are overwhelming you again, collect your thoughts," Alexander spoke in a calm manner. His rushed and terribly buttoned shirt was now neat and he looked as if he had just stepped out of a painting.

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