Chapter 9 - Child

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"Your stance is off!" The child corrected his stance as he felt the weight of his father's wooden sword.

"Rage! Anger! Imagine it!" Father was visibly frustrated by now, two whole years. Two whole years of hopeless training, Alexander was absolutely talentless. What was a god without their godly powers? He was nothing, he was just a human. Something that someone as great as his father shouldn't waste his energy on.

He hated this, why is his father trying so hard for him? He clearly isn't a god! He clearly-

Alexander pushed his father's blade away, what? His perplexed eyes looked up to meet with his father's satisfied ones. He had awoken it.. his powers… but how?

"You finally completed the first step, things will only get harder now. We'll start with one of the easiest," his father paused. The boy flinched as his father reached his hand out to touch his shoulder, "we'll work on controlling your anger output. I'd rather not use tactics of the past but if all else fails we will resort to that."

The blonde froze, he knew exactly what his Father meant by the tactics of the past. The most common way of training a rage god was torture, more specifically the hatred of pain or hatred towards sharp objects. Though his father was a kind man, when it came to training he was a rather cruel master.

"Same timings as today, go and rest up. I'll see you in my chambers tomorrow," Alexander nodded slowly. Fear coursing through his body, he'd preferred if he didn't need to go through torture.

The family gathered in the dining room, yet it felt like no one was there at all. The only sounds to be heard were the scraping of utensils and the occasional moments where one of them asked the servants for a refill of water.

Despite Alexander's silence on the outside, on the inside he was rambling on and on to himself. He had realised how he awoke his powers, it was when he hated himself.

"Excuse me, I'll head to my bedchamber now,"  Alexander spoke, though he more mumbled than spoke. He slowly made his way to his bedchamber, his door was slightly ajar letting the soft silver moonlight seep through its small crack. The blonde laid on his bed, how should he avoid torture?

He knew that it was probably the best and easiest way to steady his powers, after all, he was terrible with emotions, especially hatred. If he was a god of cleansing, perhaps he'd have an easier time. 

He pictured the hate for himself once more, it was the easiest thing he could picture. Worthless. He told himself, not worth the effort, he told himself. Each whisper he told himself, he could feel the power coursing through his body. His heavy lids closed as the blonde cursed himself to an uneasy sleep.

"Young master, it's time for your training," a maid shook Alexander awake. The blonde woke up and changed his clothes before the training session.


He felt the power coursing through him in a steady stream. It was time for training.

"Hold this ball," Vercillium passed Alexander a crystal ball, "this indicates your power output. If you reach the set goal, it will turn green. However, if you go anywhere higher or lower than said goal, you will get shocked with electricity and the ball will glow purple," Father explained. Alexander furrowed his eyebrows, this would be a troublesome task.

"Your set task for now will be to stay at power level 10, enough to push my blade back if I was pushing you down with it," Vercillium explained as he sat in front of Alexander gesturing for the boy to sit on the chair behind him.

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