Chapter 1 (Prologue)

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Aristia was someone who was strong. She had managed to live two lives after all. Yet, she couldn't understand where it all went wrong.

Was it when she decided to choose ruve again? She didn't know. She thought that of Jiuen. Someone that she always hated, but now.... she felt like she who used others to her own benefit was smart.

In this world those who fall in love and believe in those who have already betrayed them more than once are idiots. She knew that that was what she was now.

As she bled out on the cold hard floor looking at the high ceiling above it still felt surreal. After trusting ruve with the secret from her first life, getting married, becoming the empress, she thought that this life would end only by old age. 

Now, dying from an assassin sent by ruve, she knew how much of an amazing actor he was. Pretending to care about what happened in her first life she know knew that he was only using her to know about what happened in the future that would be useful to him,

She wondered as to how she didn't realize that he wasn't comforting her when he asked about her past life but was trying to get information. 

Now that her execution date from her first life had passed, he no longer needed her so he sent an assassin to finish her off and have her die on the cold hard floor in silence.

As she was thinking she felt more blood pooling out begun to feel cold. She wanted to live, she didn't want to die again full of regrets.

She was sure that she probably wouldn't have another chance but if only she could turn the hands of the clock back once more she would.

If she could then next time she would never trust ruve again. Next time she would never fall in love with him. Next time she wouldn't trust him with her knowledge. Next time she would use her knowledge and become a strong woman physically as well that wont become a damsel in distress. 

She would become the sword and shield that protects herself and her loved ones. She would defy god and fate who are never on her side. She would toss away the name Pioneer that god gave her and carve out her own path.

She would leave and explore the world and gain more knowledge and strength. She would free her father from the contract that ties him down to the royal family. 

And above all, she would enjoy her life this time without constant fear of ruve and be free living for herself. She would get revenge on ruve but that wouldn't be her main goal. She knew that nothing good came out of dedicating your life to revenge after all.

She was Aristia la Monique and if there was any sliver of hope that she could get another life she would NEVER be naive and fall for ruve or idiots like him ever again.

Thus she felt her eyes droop and as she knew she was about to die she saw a glimpse of a floating box that said.....

( Your wish shall be granted. Welcome to the system New Player Aristia la Monique!)

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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