A Baby

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Pairing: Zemo x Reader

Warning: talk of Zemo's dead son

You and Zemo had been together for almost two years now. After his assistance in taking down The Flag Smasher America, Germany, the country that took sakovia had pardoned him. He was allowed out of prison as lon as he stayed away from wakonda. Sara and Bucky had had a baby, sam still didn't like the super soldier and his sister together, And sam was still captain America. He hadn't had as many issues with it as he thought he would no one bothered him about being a black captain America other than racists.

Currently You and zemo were babysitting for Sara, Sam Wilson's sister, while her sam and Bucky were preparing for a block party type of event. You were making Sara's oldest boys sone Kraft Mac n' Cheese while Zemo was watching the baby. He walked into the kitchen talking to the baby in that weird voice people use with children. You thought the voice was stupid but he looked so cute with the baby.

"Helmut you know he doesn't understand you, right?" You said and he looked at you.

"I know libeling but it still helps when they learn to talk."

"Honey you have an accent that sometimes I don't even understand," You said as the baby started crying, "I think I made the little guy mad."

"No you didn't y/n he's probably just hungry." Zemo handed the baby to you and you were a little tense. "Don't be so tense they can sense fear. Do you know if Sara left-"

"She left his bottles in the fridge. Love? Does this babysitting make you miss Carl?"

"Y/n, I always miss Carl. He had his mother and I wrapped around his finger.. All children remind me of him," He said heating the bottle as the two older boys ran in.

"Y/n! Zemo!" They shouted, "Is dinner done yet?"

"Almost." You said as she had the boys sit down. Zemo took the baby and fed him smiling. You smiled and gave the older boys some Mac n' Cheese. Zemo talked to the baby while feeding him. You looked at Zemo in awe and left the room. After dinner you got the older boys to bed and went to check on Zemo and the baby. He was singing the baby a sakovian lullaby. When he set the baby down in the crib you set your hand on Zemo's back, "Helmut? Do you ever want to have a child again someday?"

"Yes one day but I'd never would want you t feel pressured int that sort of thing." He said as the front door opened. You and him went to the living room. "James, Sara, Your children are asleep and the baby was fed and is asleep."

"Thank You Zemo, Y/n. You two are life savers."

"Anytime Sara." You said getting Zemo's jacket and yours. The two of you walked to his jet so you could go home. You were looking at the ground most of the way to the jet.

"Libeling talk to me. Something is on your mind."

"What you said about wanting to have another chid someday."

"meine Geliebte, don't feel pressured by that-"

"No no Helmut I don't. I didn't want to mention it until you brought it up but the idea of starting a family with you has been crossing my mind a lot lately."

"mein schatz was willst du sagen?" He said in sakovian making you sigh. He often slipped into his native language when he was confused or worried.

"Helmut you know I don't understand Sakovian."

"Sorry, My darling what are you trying to say?"

"If you want to have a baby, to start a family, I'm ready to do that with you." You said and he smiled then hugged you.

The two of you wasted no time about two months later Sara and Bucky got a letter from you telling them that you were pregnant.

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