Run Away With Me

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Otto Octavius x Reader

Y/n was walking down the streets of New York outside Oscorp she was just finished work. She had started working for Oscorp a few months before Dr. Octavius' experiment fail. Now it's been nearly a year and Y/n wouldn't admit it but she missed working with Otto. Today was actually Otto's birthday. According to the knew Otto drowned in the Hudson River. Y/n went to the Hudson River with a picture of the people building the fusion reactor. She sat by the shore of the river and scrolled through photos on her phone.

Rosie and Otto had been married but what they never announce was that they had an open marriage and lucky for Y/n her and Otto's boss didn't know she was in that relationship on otto's side. The day he met her Y/n was charmed by his intelligence and beauty. She was there when Rosie died and When Otto killed the hospital staff but now she was alone.

"Otto.. Damn you why did you have to die!" Y/n shout at the lake. She had one of Otto's old shirts in her hands.

Otto looked at the shore next to the Hudson River. He saw Y/n crying and holing something. He had been watching her from a distance for the past year. He was able to stay away for the most part but watching this mad his blood boil but he still withheld speaking to her.

The next day Y/n slept all day emotionally exhausted from grieving. When the night fell Y/n went out again to the Hudson but this time she brought a blanket with her. She didn't know that a little way down the shore some frat boys were having there spring break party and were drunk or that Otto was watching. One of the guys wandered down to where Y/n is.

"Hello hottie," the drunk man said and Y/n ignored him. He grabbed her, "Now don't be cold babes."

"Go away," Y/n pushed him away. Otto looked over as he heard Y/n shout. He saw the guy grabbing his precious Y/n, "I said go away I'm not interested in you or whatever you think I'd be doing with you!" She pushed him away but he pulled her closer to him when suddenly Y/n felt something metal wrap around her and the guy harassing her was pinned tot eh shore of the river. Y/n kept her eyes close out of fear. Otto pulled the guy close to his face.

"No one said you could touch her," he said and threw the guy. He pulled Y/n close and went to the apartment he had been hiding in. He set Y/n on the couch and heard her say something.

"I was fine on my own!"

"I'm aware, Y/n, but I couldn't stand to him touch you," Otto said and Y/n froze at his voice. She looked over at him.

"Otto?" She asked as he turned on the lights and saw Otto feet away from her, "Otto!" She ran over and hugged him. Otto hugged her back as his apertures looked between them trying to recognize Y/n. One of them did and made a chirp like sound at her. Y/n looked at Otto and smacked hims face gently, "I thought you were dead you let me think you were dead for a fucking year!!"

"Shh shh," he set his hand on her face stroking her cheek with his thumb, "I stayed away so the city could calm down and rebuild and you would more on but seeing as how you keep coming down here and yelling at the river That was a mistake on my part." Y/n sat back on the couch and Otto watched her. she wasn't lookin at him, "You must still be angry seeing as how you have yet to kiss me and you're so far away."

"No Otto, love, it's not that it's just the chip in your neck it was corrupted and well I don't know if this is you talking or the apertures." She said and one of his apertures chirped at her offended.

"oh look now You offended Flo," He looked at the apertures, "She meant no offense I'm sure. Y/n it is me now not them but they are part of me. If they scare yo-" he was cut off by Y/n pulling him down by his trench coat jacket thing he's got going on and kissed him. One of Otto's apertures picked Y/n up so it would be easier for her to kiss him.

"They don't scare me as long as they behave," She smiled. He mored do his apertures would set him down along with Y/n. Otto kissed Y/n as she sat on the couch again, "Would you opposed to us running away from here?"

"What to one of the island I owned or something?" He joked.

"Why not. You can't show your face in public since you are technically 'dead' and I'm still seen as Dr. Octopus' girlfriend."

"if you can find a way to get us there without people knowing I'm alive then yeah. I'll run away with you."

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