Part 16

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Taehyung Pov
I woke up hearing crying. He gave birth a couple months ago and I love them so much. We got married like 6 months before they were born and I love it. He is mine forever. 
Turns out he actually had 4 instead of 3. I really filled him up past the brim didn't I. I love them so much they are my everything. They all look exactly like him. I got up and changed.

I picked them up and they stopped crying

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I picked them up and they stopped crying.


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(Taehyun)I love them all so much

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I love them all so much. I will be less strict with them when they are older and so with him. I will try it's just hard. I just can't have them hurt and what if some cop tries taking them away from me. Maybe I should go somewhere on a island with him and them no one will take him away from me there. No I can't but ugh it's hard. I put them in a little stroller and I went up to him and he was sleeping.

His body changed since he was pregnant and gave birth he has a lot of stretch marks but he is so beautiful and so sexy

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His body changed since he was pregnant and gave birth he has a lot of stretch marks but he is so beautiful and so sexy. I love him so much  I lightly stroked his cheek and I kissed him deeply.
Sleep well Baby Boy. I went downstairs and I put them in their food chairs and I made some eggs and bacon. I ate and I gave them their bottles. I went outside with them. I got them a whole playground in the backyard. I got a like 6-8 acres of land. It's super big I have a pool 2 little slide and swing sets. I have a giant pool and a little inflatable one. I have pretty much everything they deserve it. I brought a play cage outside and I put them in it. They are sneaky and try to eat everything they can touch. After a bit I heard him come out.
Here Angel
He came outside in just my shirt and nothing else. He honestly doesn't wear anything under his shirts except panties and I love it.

Hi Baby BoyKook:Hi TaeDid you sleep wellKook:Yeah He sat next to me and I pulled him on my lap

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Hi Baby Boy
Kook:Hi Tae
Did you sleep well
He sat next to me and I pulled him on my lap.
You look so cute
Kook: Really
Of course
Kook: But
Baby what's wrong
Kook:It's just idk i have all these stretch marks and my legs are bigger
Baby Boy look at me. I pushed his chin up.
You are so beautiful and cute and I love your stretch marks they are so sexy and so what if your legs and thighs are bigger my hand still fits perfectly and there's more areas for me to mark
What it's true there are tons of places for me to bite and mark
Ok ok you are so beautiful don't talk about yourself like that
Kook:Ok thank you
Of course you are beautiful and such a good mom
Kook:Thank you I love you
I love you way more you 5 are my life
Kook:I know you and them are mine too
I know and I'm sorry
Kook:For what
I know I'm kinda being extremely strict with you and them I don't mean to but it's just I don't want you to get hurt or someone try to take you and them from me
Kook:I know Tae it's ok and I saw the news a while ago they think I'm dead and we're somewhere far away from anyone who will
I know I'm just worried you 5 mean so much to me I can't lose you
Kook:You won't and I don't want you to get rid of all your rules I don't mind a lot of them just letting me and them leave the house sometimes won't hurt we aren't going anywhere
I know I want to but I also want to do whatever I can to keep you here
Kook:It's ok Tae I understand you don't have to just get rid of all rules at once they are still growing so you can slowly get rid of some
Ok I will try my best I promise
Kook:I know you already are
Taehyun and Jeon suddenly started crying.
Come here. I picked them up and they immediately stopped.
You want all the attention huh just like your mom
It's true
But I love it. He held Jeon and I held Taehyun.
I love you 5 so so much you all are my everything
Kook:We love you too
What should we do if they get a crush
Maybe kill them
Kook:Yah you aren't killing them
Ok ok
Kook: We'll figure that out when they are older
Ok we should tell them about me taking you so they know it's not bad
Kook:Well it can be
I know but If someone loves you it's good
Kook:Of course but we should wait until they are way older
Ok Im just so excited to see them grow up
Kook:Me too
After a bit we put them in the stroller and we watched the sunset and after a bit he fell asleep on my chest.

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