A common one which Aaron hates.


My baby is just like me.

He is a great fan of chocolates.

Thank god he was my side.

Because the other one..is exactly like her father.

Yeah...I'm blessed with other baby.

My baby girl.

My Aaliyah! She is almost three years old.

Aaron chose the name for her. It's so beautiful when I heard it. In Arab, the meaning of her name is Princess.

It also means Beautiful and brave.

My poor Martino has to deal with his mother's craziness.

He would laugh at me when he grows up.

Coming to Aaliyah,She is exact replica of me with personality of her dad.

She hates chocolate with passion.

Do you know what she said?

"God..who invented this chocolate? Ew..I hate it".

I was shocked.

I bet his father asked her to speak in that way. Because my baby don't know the word Invent.

He enjoys it. Because I can't argue with my three year little one.

"Mommy", my little bun came rubbing her eyes walking towards me with her baby walks.

Bang. Bang. My heart!

Can she be anymore cute?

"Come here baby", kneeling down I extended my hands for a hug.

She chuckled?

God..my poor heart.

She came to me as we hugged and I kissed her forehead.

After kissing my lips, she went to looking for her brother.

I smiled at her cuteness.

Aaliyah was sick when she was born. Me and Aaron were very worried. She born with some complications.

I was losing my strength.

I can't even imagine my life without my little bun.

We both went through lot of stress.

Thank god..my baby was healthy and safe in our hands.

Aaron was losing his mind as I was worried sick about her.

He took care of me, Aaliyah and Martino at the same time.

It must be very tiring. I always feel responsible for her health issues.

It's my fault my baby is sick.

Aaron convinced me that it's not my fault.

But still...

I feel really sad whenever I think about it.

God..I was very lucky to have him as my husband.

"Babe", the voice made me gasp.


My eyes got blessed with beauty.

There stood Aaron shirtless with his shorts and messed up hair as he came straight down from bed looking for me.

He was very tired recently and I was planning a surprise vacation for him.

I'm planning on leaving kids with mom and dad as they want their quality time with their grandkids.

When Mr.Arrogant Marries Ms.StubbornWhere stories live. Discover now