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My gaze shifted from Opie to the screen and back till the sound of racing heartbeats could be heard.

"Well they sure are excited about being seen today" the Nurse tech joked

Opie and I looked at the screen and seen our little ones moving.

"It feels like a dance party going on in there" I joked

The nurse laughed as well as Opie before she started moving the probe around a bit.

"Well from what I saw from this ones' constant moving it's a girl" she says

I grabbed Opie's hand and smiled.

"And the other one is a boy," She says

I looked at Opie and started tearing up as he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Fraternal twins baby" I say

"Yea," he says and he kisses me softly while the nurse clicks around on her keyboard.  while Opie and I take in the news of our fraternal twins.

"Alright. It looks as though one is at risk" she says

I thought I broke my neck with how fast my head snapped to look at her.

"Risk of what?" I asked

"Heart issues" she replied

"Can you tell which one? Opie asked

"Girl" the nurse says

I covered my face with my hand and cried. Opie did his best to comfort me.

"Does her dad have heart issues?" the nurse asked

"Yea it's his family flaw. His baby brother passed away with it." Opie answered since I was still crying.

"Well, we will be sure to stay on top of things. So take caution with everything you do. The less on you the less on them. Mainly her." she says

"Is she at risk to go in labor early due to our baby girl's heart issue?" Opie asked

"there is a great possibility but I can't say for sure. It's more so the waiting game" she replied

they managed to get me to calm down and stop crying long enough to fully understand what all could happen. 

After leaving I made it my mission to take caution with everything to keep our little angel princess stress free and calm.

Opie and I sat down and planned everything we could to prep for early delivery if that was to happen. we got the clothes ready and waiting. 

He took my hand and kissed my knuckles. as I laid my head against his shoulder and just got lost in thought.

"Bad boys" Lovin a good girl ( completed ) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now