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Before I gotten the chance to join the others She came back and went to hit me but I grabbed her hand and twisted till I heard a satisfying snap followed by her screaming which had Opie come running along with Happy and Gemma.

"What happened?" Gem asked

"Evie you ok baby?" Opie asked

"This cum dumpster tried to hit me after saying I stole My Boys from her. When I set her straight she didn't like it. she left and I just walked out of the lavatory when she came back and went to hit me but I grabbed her hand and snapped her wrist" I answered

"What the fuck is your damage Ima?" Opie asked

I let her go and stepped back while Opie came over and dealt with the cum dumpster.

"You and Jax belong to me but she came and stole you both from me." she cried as she cradled her wrist.

"We were never yours and we've told you that. Evie is mine and Jax's forever" Opie said

"No your both mine" she cried as she struggled to stand.

"Listen Ima your not allowed to come around here again. If you do I won't be held responsible for what happens." Opie tells her

"No baby," she says and goes to touch him but I smack her hand away.

"Get out lost you were told or be dragged out," I tell her

"No one here is a woman to drag me outta here" she replied

Next thing we know Gemma is grabbing a fist full of her hair and dragging her.

"Me and Gemma both are more women to drag your ass," I called after her

Once Gem and Ima were out the door I turned and faced Opie.

"Ready to go to the appointment?" I asked

"Yea let me just grab my truck keys and we'll leave," he says

I nodded my head and give him a quick kiss before I walk out the door while he went to grab the keys.

Gem walked back up to where I was.

"Appointment time already?" she asked

"Yep. Opie is getting the keys then we are off" I tell her

"Be careful and make sure you call and let me know what the genders are" Gem says as she gives me a hug then kisses my temple before walking off to the office.

"Ready to go fairy?" Opie asked

"Don't you pick on my height you jolly beared giant" I reply

"Not picking on you baby" he replied

"I'm just ribbing ya. I know you and Jax call me your fairy while you're both my giants" I replied

He helped me into his truck before closing the door and getting in the driver's side.

Upon arriving at the doctor I went ahead and signed in even if I was a few minutes early.

Just as we were about to sit the nurse called us back so we headed on back.

"So fast we didn't even get to sit" I joked

"Decided to get you back a little early," the nurse says

"Bad boys" Lovin a good girl ( completed ) ( not edited)Where stories live. Discover now