Smoker // Treasure

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requested by wagnerreborn00

a/n: sorry that i took so long aaaaaaaaaaa school just started and i was extremely unmotivated to do anything :') and sorry for the short length, I tried 😔


Loud whipping sounds came from the jail cell of Mariejois, the silver haired man groaned in pain every time the spiked whip comes in contact with his body. A blob of digusting flesh named the Celestial Dragon stood in front of him, panting due to the times he had whipped the marine. 

"Hmph, you useless piece of shit, can't even protect a single piece of treasure." The celestial dragon said as he gestured to another few marines that stood on the sides. 

The marines carried a large bucket of saltwater and dumped it on Smoker at the noble's command.

"You're lucky I'm tired today! I'll come back tomorrow." He spat before taking his leave, along with the marines.

Smoker watched as the group left the dungeon. He sighed and thought back to a few days ago.

- - - flashback - - -

The G-5 marines joked around with each other as Tashigi tried to scold them for acting childish. Smoker was looking at his log pose, making sure they aren't on the wrong route. 

The world government had entrusted him with a new piece of object that will be added to the World Noble's treasure. He was quite confused when he got the mission, why him? Why not an admiral or something...? The marine sighed.

Suddenly, the warship shook violently, making Smoker grip onto the railings tightly in order not to fall.

"OI! WHAT'S GOING ON!?" The marines panicked

"C-captain Smoker!!" One of his subordinated came running, "It's the Donquixote Pirates! They're firing at us!!"

"What?!" Smoker gritted his teeth, "Fire back! Fight!" He ordered

"Yes sir!!"

The warship that the G-5 marines are on isn't their usual fleet, it was a ship given by the world government, with a hiden place to hide the treasure.

But there's no way that G-5 could win against the Donquixote Pirates. Not a minute into the fight, half of the fleet is controlled by Doflamingo's parasite strings.

"What do you want, Doflamingo?!" Smoker shouted as the warlord's ship inched closer to the warship

"Fufufu, you know excatly what I want." He laughed, "You have one minute to make a choice. Either give me the treasure, or your subordinates will kill each other."

"Bastard!" Smoker gritted his teeth, his soldiers were yelling him not to, but he sighed and visibly relaxed, "come with me..."

- - - end of flashback - - -

As the World Government and the World Nobles find out about the stolen treasure, they furiously took Smoker into the torture chamber he is in now, and there started his nightmare.

"Tch, how pathetic you look right now. Smoker." A female's voice reached to his ears and he looked up.

"Y/N." He let out a hoarse whisper.

"I'm surprised that you still recognize me," you chuckled, "it's been years hasn't it. I never thought we would meet again like this."

You and Smoker were former acquaintances that trained together, eventually, he joined the navy and she joined the Cipher Pol. 

Smoker let the corner of his lips curve up for a second, damn, he's too exhausted to even smile.

"What a fool you are, I knew your sense of duty would get you killed one day."

Both of them were engulfed in silence, you stared at the silver haired man before reaching out a set of keys.

"I'm getting you out of here." You whispered and started to unlock his sea prism stone cuffs.

It took a while since you were also a devil fruit user, but Smoker looked at you horror-filled orbs

"Do..n't.." he croaked out

"Don't worry, it's almost midnight now. No one would really be awake right now. Did you forget my power? I'll just put you inside my inventory, no one will see you." You smiled as the cuffs finally hit the ground with a clink. "Relax Smoker, you'll be outta here before you know it."

You put your hand on his chest and gave him a small peck on the lips, his eyes went wide. A light glowed from your hand that was on his chest and a second later, he disappeared.

You hurriedly went out of the dungeon, hoping no one had seen you here.

"The things I do..." you shook your head.

- - - x - - -

The next time Smoker woke up, he was in a rocking ship, the sun was already up. He looked down and saw you tending his wounds.

"Y/N... you shouldn't have done that." He sighed

"It doesn't matter now, Smoker. They had probably already figured out that I betrayed them. Pretty sure the wanted posters would come out soon too." 

"What will happen to you..."

"Nothing. Relax Smoker. We can find a small village and settle down there, we won't get caught." You smiled

"What an idiot you are." He sneered and you laughed

"It can't be helped, we'll just go through this together!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever.."

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