Chapter Seven: Level 5

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With no time at all to take a break, or wrap some sort of clothing piece around my hand so I stop losing blood, the host from earlier, in the same purple suit, charges at us. He has the two tall twins by his side, making him look even shorter. They are holding a large hospital gown and place it over all the children, Sadie, Caleb, and I, without context.
I hear a snipping noise and look under the cloth. Underneath the bandiages they were holding, were scissors, commonly used in surgery.
As a first reflex, I grab the scissors and stab the person right in front of me in the eye, the host. The twins had been staring down the chubby kid, but didn't do anything, neither did the chubby kid.
I proceed to stab the twins' eyes too, leaving everyone in shock.
"Woah." Sadie said. I sheepishly smile.
"I'm glad you haven't done that to me yet," Caleb jokes, nervously laughing.
"We need to go, everyone, even the kids, we need a plan to escape."
We surround a cheap carnival food stand, discussing a way out. Beside me is the chubby kid, he hasn't been acting the same though.
Everyone is in deep discussion and in the corner of my eye, I see the chubby kid, who told us his name is Charlie, pull out a knife, wearing a menacing smile. It has a cover on the blade but before he could take it off I grabbed the knife.
I don't tell on him, I just stab it into the table.
"In order for us to get out of here safely, we need to get rid of some people." I start nervously. "Did anyone see any suspicious behaviour from someone?" I plead.
The short girl, named Layla, claimed that the tall boy had had red eyes previously when he saw the knife.
I took no chances. I pulled the knife out of the table and I walked over to him.
"I'm sorry." I stabbed his neck. His blood splattered all over me.
Layla was right, after he fell to the ground, dead, his eyes were red.
"Thank you Layla," I bring the knife and my shaky hand back to the table.
No one says anything.
"Is that all?" I say, looking down, I don't want to face anyone.
Everyone shakes their heads.
I know what I have to do.
I turn around and stab Charlie in the heart. I do it three times until he stops breathing. I then drop the knife on the floor, scared of myself.
"Why did you do that? He was innocent!" Caleb's face filled with fear.
"He is the person I got the knife from. He tried to pull it on me." I mumble.
Sadie places her hand on mine to stop it from shaking. "You did the right thing, you saved us.." she reassured me. "Now let's get you cleaned up."
She pulls me aside and uses her sweater to clean the blood off my hand and face.
"Are you sure you're not gonna use that?" I feel guilty.
"Maybe, but I'd rather use it on you. Come on, we have to get out here." She dusts off her lap and stands up. She outstretched her hand to me and helped me up.

Level 5 || Sadie Sink x Reader Horror StoryWhere stories live. Discover now