49. Everyone's Camera-Happy

Start from the beginning

He blinked again then shook his head and continued playing "I am somewhat of a prisoner anyhow, I doubt SHIELD pays its prisoners." he said. You shook your head "Thats not right at all... Maybe I can talk to Fury about something... "you trailed off in thought as he played "Talk to me about what?" you jumped and turned as Fury stood in the doorway "Oh! Director Fury, I was wondering-" he shook his head "Whatever it is no, you need to follow me right now you both do." he said, gesturing his finger for you two to follow. 

You both met eyes before standing and following Fury "At about 0800 we received the notice about the video" he said, to which you nodded "Yes sir and I immensely apologize for the firestorm on my part." He shook his head "On that phone we happened to recover quite a few videos, specifically of you, agent." he said, you furrowed your brow, quickening to catch up with him "Sir?" you asked. He shook his head "Its nothing Hydra related, we think he's just got a creepy crush." you blinked "Oh yeah good that makes me feel better." you said as Loki caught up "What else has this imbecile filmed?" he asked angrily. Fury scoffed a little, not looking at him "Besides a few of you two in the halls uh... 'Training' which by the way, needs to stop." your cheeks flushed as Loki chuckled "He also caught a very interesting video of you two interacting in another way." he said. 

Fury held the door to the conference room open for you, cut off Loki before he could enter "Sit" he said, walking over to a TV stand. You and Loki sat down beside each other as Fury fiddled with a touch screen "He had this on there..." he looked up at the screen to show... You and Loki in the field outside? You tilted your head as Loki cleared his throat "I can-I can actually explain this, you don't need to-" you held up your hand as you watched yourself. Your eyes glowed as you grabbed Loki, tossed him around like a dirty rug then threw him upward, the camera following him as he flew to the sky. 

Loki watched you intently as your eyes were glued to the TV as though he was waiting for the video to finish, but he was very fretful. After a moment you teleported away and back, this time with Loki as you two spoke a bit then he tried to attack, you blocked, and you teleported away. You blinked as the video ended "You eventually teleport back and end up having another makeout session in the field, I am trying to simply account for those few moments you two were gone.. Because our records showed that you were definitely not on base." he said. You blinked and shook your head "I'm sorry Director I... I don't remember this encounter" you said, Loki cleared his throat, earning Fury and your attention "If I may?" he asked sarcastically before Fury gestured to him. 

Loki stood "When you teleport around too much in a short period the stability can fluctuate at any time and can either cancel it or on some occasion teleport you elsewhere." he said. Fury blinked and held out his hand "And?" "We went elsewhere." "Loki!" you hissed, eyes widened and brow furious at him "Answer. Him." you ordered more than said. He cleared his throat "In Sol's haste we teleported to another planet by accident, those take longer to teleport back." he said. You narrowed your eyes at him as he explained, his vague answers not satiating the anger that was boiling inside of you.

'Why did you keep this from me?!'

"I let Sol take over for a training exercise and I apologize but I must have overexerted myself that day." you explained. Fury looked between you two, your anger still present and he could see that easily, but Loki looked calm and collected, so he chuckled "And that's what you're going with?" he asked. You nodded "I can bring Sol out if you like, and we can get her viewpoint on this." you said, wanting her to answer yourself. Fury nodded "That would be amenable" he said, so you nodded and closed your eyes "Discord" you said, eyes igniting almost immediately as Sol stepped into the light. 

You looked up at Fury "Director Fury, nice to meet you" you said, holding out your hand, which Fury walked over and shook back "Nice to meet you too... Would you mind pitching in to this event?" he asked, gesturing the TV. You bit your lip, all Sol's doing, right now you let her take over but you were present "I'm sorry about that... I hadn't had complete control in a while and teleporting at a quarter strength isn't something I'm used to." you said. Fury nodded "Okay, so what happened?" he asked, you sighed a little "Its just as the trickster said, we were training, and I got a little hasty in my teleportation" you said. 

You mentally rolled your eyes 'I can't believe you two.' you thought as Sol continued to make her look embarrassed by the whole thing. Fury stared for a minute then nodded "... I can certainly understand that, however, taking a prisoner off base is a large offense. Its not like I can punish you either since you're not on the payroll" he said. Sol sighed a little "I know and I'm so sorry." you said, looking genuinely upset. Fury stared for a moment before nodding "Okay... Thats all I needed, you two can go." he said, to which you nodded and stood

"Yes sir Fury"

"Oh and (Y/N), you have another mission. Don't go to the hanger bay, meet in the common area so I can introduce you to your partner for this."

"Partner, sir?"

"There's some magic stuff going on, so we had to talk to our magic guy. You have three hours."

You nodded "Three hours should be all I need," you said as you stood then walked out with Loki shortly behind you. Your eyes continued to burn as Sol stayed

''(Y/N)? Would you like me to go back-"

"Nope, I'd like to speak to the both of you."

Loki caught up beside you "Darling, please, let me explain-"

You grabbed him by the collar "Oh you will" you said then teleported to your room with him. You released him then walked over to your desk, rooting around the earbuds. You cleared your throat as Loki stood behind you, silent and waiting "(Y/N), that was the day we had the fight, we were fighting and Sol took over" he said, stopping when you held up a hand. You pulled out your earbuds and put them in as he went wide-eyed "What are you doing?" he asked as you turned them on "Sol, give me back the mind scan." you demanded, not looking at him. Loki grabbed your shoulders

"(Y/N) what are you doing, I thought you wanted to be rid of that?!"

"(Y/N) I know why you're doing this, theres no need for-"

"-Sol, when I want your opinion I'll give it to you now. Put. It. Back."

She sighed through you then all at once you felt an intense pressure in your head, a pressure you were used to so you only groaned as Loki held your arms "Why are you doing this?!" he asked. You looked up and shoved him off "Now. Answer me. Explain." you demanded, panting from the pressure, Loki stepped back as you shoved him, holding up his hands. He sighed and nodded

"When Sol took over we fought-"

"Loki." Sol tried to stop

"-She used her power and tossed me around... Then at one point we were teleported off-world."

You went wide eyed "So that was real?" you asked, he shook his head "Yes, but it wasn't an accident... Sol wanted to show me what your potential was and she did." he said. You arched a brow "Why... Sol?" you asked then sighed "He fretted over you like a dying squirrel, I had to show him he wasn't the only God around here" she said. You pressed your lips together and looked away "I didn't summon you, you pushed me out." you stated, remembering when Sol took over "Yes." she said. You turned angrily and ran your hands through your hair "Okay... You need to go away now, I won't be calling you for a while." "(Y/N), I'm sorry but I could not allow him to-" "LEAVE!" you yelled, clutching your head.

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