Wireless Festival Pt.2 -stunned-

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i look at this talia girl now dancing with gee and freya manically to the beat of the song as they clearly have had too much to drink. her bubbly laugh fills my head as she messes around and really gravitates me towards this girl, her clothing was also very appealing to me: short jean shorts and a dark velvety top really grabbed my eye. what was wrong with me? i have just seen this girl and i cant take my eyes off her. her eyes suddenly briefly lock with mine as i was looking at her with interest and we both look away soon after, 'Fuck simon, nice one. another super awkward moment with a hot girl. she probably thinks im so wierd now just starring at her as she dances' i thaught to myself. i heard them giggling to each other once more, were they gossipping... was i being embarrased by this girl to gee and freya after only 5 minutes of seeing her?

i decided enough was enough and i wouldnt let this girl ruin my night, i stuck tobi's words in my mind and i took a sip of my drink and continued to party hard with my friends. i hung around with mostly tobi and josh in the crowd (because josh wasnt with his gf and tobi was of course single) as we pissed about and had a laugh enjoying the music and the energy from the moment.

30 minutes later

Were all still at the same stage dancing and having a good time, a few people leave and return with more drinks for all us occassionaly which help fuel the night but most of us are still partying hard. we seem to be at the popular stage where the best artists are at as the crowd we were in was huge, it was like a sea of drunken and hyper peoplegravitated towards one big stage. suddenly i hear tobi go "shit im going for a piss man be right back" before josh adds "same fuck it ive been bursting for a while" leaving me stuck here on my own again. i turn around to look for more of my friends to hang out with when i see that girl again but this time on her own aswell, looking as if she had been left in the same boat by her mates. she looked very quite and shy without her mates around to keep her comfortable in the environment but she tried to blend in with the crowd, bopping her head to the music with a half grin on her face. obviously it was very noticable she was putting it on but it was kinda cute tho for some reason idk, 'eargh cute... i really just said that word. simon you feeling alr?' i thaught to myself. completely forgetting the previously awkward encounter i shared with this girl (and a little confidence boost due to my high alcohol consumption) i decided to put my money where my mouth was and approach this girl, eh whats the worst that can happen? i thaught to myself...

"hey, talia isnt it?" i shouted over the loud bass boosted music in the backgroundto her, before her head snapped left to look at me nervously. "um-a-yeah haha talia mar, are you simon minter?" she said to me curiously. i stood there suprised, how did this girl allready know my name? "yeah! how did you allready know the fuck?" i said laughing and she giggled back with a bubbley allmost drunken grin on her face "oh wellll, freya told me a lot about you since i first spotted you in the crowd". 'Fuck...what had freya been telling talia over the past half an hour? she must think im a proper wierdo, freya knows some embarrasing stories that have happened to me... or my youtube videos, what if she doesnt know what youtube is, im finished!' i thaught to myself for a split second but feeling like an etternity. i scramble my words together to blurt out a reply before an awkward silence ascended over our convosation: 

"shit that cant be good" i said laughing as she smiled at me, "anyway what do you do?" i said curiously trying to kickstart our convosation and get to know her a bit more. "what as in job whise?" she responded confusedly, 'fuck come on simon be more specific, your allready driving your chances with this girl into the ground like allways' "uh-i-yeah like whats your proffesion?" i said stuttering and nervously as i blurted out my words desperately trying to save our convosation. i waited for an awkward intermission between us but in return i got a little and very suttle giggle from her, "makeup artist...and i mean youtube too but i mean its not my main profession, its more of a hobby to keep my smaller fanbase entertained." suddenly a slight weight was lifted off my shoulders as i know knew she would understand my proffesion and what i do "oh nice!, its kind of funny because i do youtube too" i said and she looked suprised and allmost excitedly at me, "no way thats sick!" she said allmost getting giddy but managing to contain her excitement. "what do you post?" she said now really engaged in our convosation allmost like her shy and timid shell had been stripped from her. 

"ah mainly lots of gaming like gta and stuff like that with my friends and occasional vlogs and random videos... kinda like a wide variety i guess" i said confidently and she replied straight back obviously invested in getting to know me "oh thats great! i just post mostly makeup and outfit things on my chanel, i have a gaming chanel but hardly post its really starting to rot away" she said before we both burst out laughing. "we can game together and make a few videos, boost your chanel activity back up?" i said jokingly but she seemed to respond positively to that too. i  was loving it and for once i felt i had actually got somewhere with this girl, and i hadnt messed it up in the early stages like usual. she was kind, funny and i hate to say it but adorable, but i still refused to get my hopes up. my track record with women was tragic and this one convosation could not change that at all.

just as we started to get to know eachother more and more the others arrived back from the toilets and seeped back into the crowd and interupting our convosation, josh and tobi seemed to try and let it go on but freya and gee returning really shot our convosation down. "looks like you two were busy getting to know eachotherrrr" freya said before oooing at us jokingly and winking at talia who now looked all embarrassed. i felt my cheeks start to go red and i retreated back to josh and tobi.

"i see you were talking to an old friend of mineee" tobi said grinning before i laughed and said "nahh man its not what you think, didnt have much to do when everyone left me stranded" and i saw tobi and josh look at eachother with a huge smile, and we sat there looking at eachother silently before josh broke the ice and said "well simon all im saying is...lets just say we know when we see an in love simon" and i put on a massively sarcastic confused face at them before they started laughing in histerics. "im afraid i think your wrong josh you old man" and we continue laughing and having a laugh "simon... we know, trust me" tobi sais and i just stand there with a huge grin on my face...i knew they caught me.

another hour into the night we were still holding out with the rest of the crowd, only slightly more drunk but still having a blast to the music. i was now standing next to talia after becoming slightly less awkward around her and we commented to eachother jokingly throughout the night an we had a blast.

all of a sudden she got out her camera and start panning it across the crowd of people and the stage, but just as panned to me i turn and go "oh hi im simon and uhh" before i cant hold my straight face anymore and me and talia both burst out laughing. "you are so annoying" she sais with a smile on her face as she pannes the camera back to the artist on stage performing. "sing along" i say to her joking, and she begins lip-syncing the words but not actually singing. "thats not singing" i say and she burst out laughing again after my comment, it felt so good to make her laugh so much and it really seemed she enjoyed my company. "is she allright?" i say to josh jokingly and she turns her head to me and gives me a sarcastic annoyed face that still cant hide her gleaming smile, "nah shes not allright" josh replies and me and him both laugh.

this night could not get any better...

Chapter two done! sorry for still not completing their wireless trip in the two chapters but i felt i should take my time and really put effort and detail into their journey at this event, therefore it should be done in chapter 3 and i can move on to their next encounter with eachothe r in chapter 4 ;) please feel free to leave any suggestions or help or even slightly critical feedback to help me on this story as it would be much appreciated! Third chapter out around this same time in 24 hours.

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