God, I really am a mess.


Katyas POV:

"Literally gonna k-word myself if that clock doesn't move faster"

Katya glanced bearily at the analog hanging just above Miss Del Rio's drawn equation, her eyes heavy yet extremely alert as they realised just how long this class would be.

It was that same day following spending the night with Trixie in hospital, and Katya had taken to staring at the empty seat where Trixie should be sat. The lack of pink curls in her line of sight made the class so much more dull. It also made it impossible to ignore the slight breakdown that was happening in her mind currently. The events of last night were becoming engraved into her mind with every passing minute of panic, everything from Trixie's drugging to that fucking cunt Courtney to being solely responsible to ruining her friendship with Max.

She needed to get a hold of Adore already.

As if on que her phone began to ring in her jacket pocket, a quick peek at which revealing it was Adore finally getting back to her.

"Does she not have any respect for the fact I actually go to college..." She internally muttered, "some of us aren't instant drop outs"

"Katya, please turn your goddamn phone off!" Del Rio yelled without looking away from the whiteboard.

"Can I take it outside? It's kinda important" the Russian said in an uncharacteristically sincere voice, surprising her Math teacher and herself.

"...Alright, but make it quick" She replied, glancing at Katyas serious expression.

She immediately stood to leave, accepting the call as soon as she'd left the threshold of the room.

"Sorry for airing darling, crashed at Max's last night" Adore yawned down the phone.

"Oh thank fuck, I thought something had happened""

"The same goes for you, where'd you even go last night?"

Katya proceeded to explain what happened in her absence, specifically regarding Trixie.

"Where the fuck did Courtney go during that time?" Adore practically yelled.

"I'd like to figure that out too" She muttered, leaning against a display board in the Math corridor, "I wanted to ask, but she already seemed so shaken by it all I didn't dare make it more upsetting"

Muffled voices began to talk to one another down the line, before Adore spoke again.

"I'm gonna go get her some flowers with Max now I think" She spoke down the line, "I'll be in touch later"

"Yeah can we um, have a longer talk later?"

"About Trixie? Yeah I'll update you-"

"I mean about- well about that too of course, I just mean about last night"

"Oh right, you mean about you finally realising Max is in love with you, then proceeding to say that fact as Max was sitting down?" Adore asked in an unsettlingly calm tone.

Katya felt her mouth turn to sand.

"I'll ring you later Kat, alright?"

"...Yeah, alright"

The line rang dead in her ear, leaving her with nothing but the festering anxiety of her own mind. She began to panic, speedwalking into the bathroom and clasping the sink as she tried to center herself.

"I can't breathe, I can't fucking breathe-"

"This panic attack bit is pretty common, huh?" a familiar voice spoke from behind.

Katya spun round to see that mysterious girl from last night, pressing one nostril shut and sniffing as she came out the cubicle. She was dressed a tad more modestly than before, with a strapless blue dress that came only halfway up the calf, and blue hairclips pinning back her fro.

She opened her mouth to speak, but only tears came. The girl wasted no time pulling the Russian into a gentle hug. Katya hated hugs, but this felt necessary.

"Is this about last nights drama? or your friend that needed help?" Naomi asked after a moment, pulling away and making eye contact. Katya also hated eye contact, but she didn't dare look away.

"Both" She managed.

"Wanna go do some drugs and tall about it?"

"I'm an addict, I shouldn't"

"But do you wanna?"

"...more than fucking anything"


hey, little bit short I apologise, it just felt necessary to end here for dramatic effect.

by popular demand (aka 3 people commenting) imma continue this for a while. yall being invested has given me new found motivation lol.

hope you have a good day, whoever you are reading this.

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