Almsot 6pm on a Thursday

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Luna loved colours, she had loved them for as long as she could remember. She always managed to find the beauty and colour in the most boring and ugly on things. Paints, flowers, butterflies, spices, anything that was coloured, she loved. And that's how now, at 17, Luna was working a part time job at Longbottoms Blossoms after school. She loved it there so much. The owners, Frank and Alice Longbottom, had a son, Neville, in her year and after they sadly were admitted to hospital from severe brain damage after a car crash, Neville and his grandmother ran the shop. Neville and Luna had been friends since 3rd grade when Luna had moved schools to Hogwarts Elementary just after her mom died. And last year she had came by the shop to help out one particularly busy Tuesday and instantly fell inlove with the place. She had worked there ever since.

Ginny grew up with sports, everywhere around her was sports. With 5 of their 6 brothers and her dad constantly talking and playing sports, it was kind of inevitable that they too would become a jock. Soccer. That's what she loved. That was the sport that Ginny began playing with her brothers and was now the reason the students of Hogwarts High loved them. She was the team captain and clearly the best player on the team. She had pulled many victories out of the gutters with their incredible skills and her fellow students were grateful. Other than soccer, Ginny was known for being incredibly kind and generous also for their older brothers. For thier knowledge, pranks and adventures. She had never been unpopular and they were highly grateful for that.


Luna was the type of girl who didn't care what people thought of her. She had her real friends and that's all that mattered. She didn't care at all until it came to one girl, one beautiful, kind, gentle, red-head girl who was captain of the soccer team. When it came to Ginny, Luna prayed and hoped that Ginny liked her. Even if it wasnt in the same way that Luna liked Ginny. Luna hated how she felt, she knew that there was no way the famed Ginny Weasley would ever even be friends with her, let alone go out with her. Besides, Ginny was straight, right?

But everything changed one Thursday evening at 5:49 pm.

Luna was almost done her shift. The flower shop closed at 6 pm and there was no one in the shop. She was beginning to pack up when the familiar sound of the door bell ringing as someone entered the store caught her attention. She was crouched down under the desk picking up bits of flower cuttings.

"Nev, is that you?" She called, still under the desk.

Neville usually called in when he knew Lunas shift was almost over. Sometimes they would go get coffee or food, or sometimes they would just stay in the back rooms and talk.

"Hi, sorry no, its not." A voice replied.

Luna didn't recognize the voice at first. She quickly jumped up from under the desk, lightly whacking her head.

She yelped in pain but quickly recovered, embarrassed, and turned to face the customer.

Her heart leapt to her throat.

"I'm so sorry to do this, I know you close at 6 but it's my parents anniversary tomorrow and I completely forgot and I really need flowers to give them in the morning."

The voce belonged to none other than Ginny Weasley.

Luna stood frozen, shocked by the presence of the girl she was so crazy about standing right in front of her. She must have stood for longer then she thought because it wasnt until Ginny called her name that she snapped back to reality, shocked by the other girl even knowing it.

"Luna??" Ginny asked, staring at the blond infort of them, she had been silent for a strangely long time. "Are you ok? Is your head sore?"

Now even more embarrassed, Luna blinked heavily and smiled.

"Oh yeah, um, sorry. So, uh, what sort of flowers are you looking for?"

"Oh! Um I guess anything will work. I'm so sorry for coming so late. I had soccer practice."

"Oh no dont worry at all! We are open until 6 so come in any time until then." Usually Luna would be annoyed by a customer coming in so late but this was a special occasion. "So what about maybe a bouquet? Some nice colourful flowers mixed together?" She asked, turning towards her work shop table behind her.

"That sounds perfect!" Ginny exclaimed. Clapping her hands together excitedly. They were still in her soccer Jersey, it was smeared with mud and grass and had grey sweatpants pulled over her training shorts. But even then, luna couldn't help but think how beautiful she was.

"Ok great! This should take me about 20 minutes to get done so feel free to leave and come back or you can stay if you want..." she trailed off at the end. She said this to every customer who came in looking for impromptu orders, it was habit, but she was scared she was coming off too strong. After all, Luna and Ginny were barely friends, why would she be staying.

But then, much to Lunas surprise and delight, Ginny replied, "I'll stay if you dont mind, I'm kinda interested in how you make bouquets."

Luna screamed internally, Ginny was interested in something she was doing.

"Ok perfect."

Luna was surprised by the calm and steadiness of her voice, it was as if the beautiful girl you've had a crush on for the last four years just showing up at your work unexpectedly happens everyday. She steadied herself and began to get to work. She selected lovely flowers of yellow, pink, orange and red and began trimming and plucking them. She asked Ginny her opinion as the red-head sat on the counter watching her. After a while, Luna had formed a beautiful sunset like bouquet, perfectly arranged and trimmed. She handed the flowers to Ginny and walked over to the cash register.

"Thank you so much Luna these are beautiful, your a life saver! How much is it?"

"No problem, just doing my job haha. Its $15." Luna couldnt help but smile as the other girl praised her.

Ginny handed her the money, then thanked her again and then hurried to the door. Just as she headed out they called,

"Bye! See in school!"

Luna smiled like an idiot.


"Hey loons!"

Luna was just locking up the shop and was about to head home, when a voice, Neville's voice, called to her. Still riding high from her interaction with Ginny, she turned to see Neville walking down the foot path a couple meters up. Being October it was already dark by 6:30 pm so the only light was from the weak street lamp across the road.

"Hey Neville!" She called back, jogging to meet her friend.

"Sorry I didnt come earlier, my grandmother needed my help with stuff. I hope u were ok." Neville apologised as the two began to walk along together.

"Oh no dont worry, and to be honest with you Neville, it worked out for the best." Luna grinned

"Oh?" Confusion crossed over the other boys face as he turned towards the blond.

Luna just smiled wider and began to explain everything.

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