Imagine #1 {Bucky Barnes}

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"Is that blood on your clothes?"

"Uh, I don't know. Maybe?"

"That's not a question that's supposed to be answered with another question

After a long solo mission you come back to your shared floor with Bucky. You some-what stumble in and flop on your bed.

"I'm back" you yelled, which is muffled by your face being pressed into the bed.

Bucky walks out of the bathroom with a Toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. He finished brushing his teeth and stands in front of you.

You stand up and hug him tightly. After a 2 week long mission, you both miss each other.

"You're finally back" he mumbled into your neck. Your scent overwhelmed him as you two pressed together.

As you pull away he notices the crimson red spot on your abdomen.

"Is that blood on your clothes?" Bucky asks, worry laced in his tone.

"Uh, I don't know. Maybe?"

"That's not a question that's supposed to be answered with another question" He replies while carefully unbuttoning your tactical vest to get a better look. You tense up and hiss when his hand softly glides over your wound.

"It looks like you got grazed" He says while letting go of your shirt that he was holding up. "We should probably get it checked out"

"It's fine, buck" you tell your worried boyfriend.

"It's not though, what if it gets infected"

"You worry to much, That won't happen"

He walks away to the hall closet without saying anything. He grabs the first aid kit off the top shelf and motions toward the bathroom. He carefully lifts you onto the counter then grabs the antibacterial wipes and gauze.

He lets you squeeze his arm when he cleans the area with the antibacterial wipes. He expertly covers the wound and secures it with bandages.

"In the morning, I'm taking you to get it checked out by Bruce" He tells you seriously. You agree with his statement even though you know it wasn't up to debate.

Word count : 339

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