Imagine 14 : Their Little Girl {Avengers}

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This is a request from iamKhrfan123
( if you want me to add a part 2, let me know )

Penelope's Pov

Let's get one thing straight, growing up with a Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist as a dad, not to mention him being THE iron man was not how I expected my life to go. Maybe you need a little more information, so let's start from the beginning.

You were raised in the orphanage for as long as you could remember. They told you that your parents died in a car crash when you were a baby. One day, when you were 5 you were playing outside with the rest of the children at the orphanage. You were playing in the dirt by yourself. That morning unknown to you, two people were having a talk about adopting a daughter because she got the news that she couldn't get pregnant.

"What you doing kid." A man says kneeling on the ground so that he was eye level with me.

"I'm drawing a flower" you respond with the most innocent sweet voice he has ever heard.

You always liked to draw. There weren't many toys outside to play with. One of the employees told you it was because of "budget cuts" but you never understood quite what that meant.

"It's very pretty" A middle aged woman who has auburn hair tells you nicely.

The man who has now introduced himself as Tony stays and plays with you while the woman 'pepper' is talking to an employee of the orphanage.

You notice him wearing a suit. Which is a little weird at an orphanage.

"What's your name kiddo" He asks you

"Penelope" you answer while still drawing in the dirt.

"How old are you Penelope?" he asks curiously. You look at your hand and hold up 5 fingers on your small hand then look back at him.

Pepper comes back and talks quietly to tony. The news he just received must have been good because he turns to you smiling.

" How would you like to come back home with us, and live with us" He asks you politely

"I would love to" you respond. You have always wanted a real family. Don't get me wrong, the people at the orphanage were amazing but it's just not the same. Both their faces light up with my answer. We go and fill out some paperwork which seems to take forever. You go with an employee to pack your stuff up from your room. Before you go home with them you hug all the staff members, and say goodbye.

Tony and Pepper each hold one of your hands as you walk across the street to his car. Your jaw drops at the expensive, sleek, shiny black car that he owns. He smiles when he sees your face. He places your bag with all your stuff in the back while Pepper buckles you into your car seat.

Tony's pov

I was unbelievably happy. When we got the news that pepper couldn't have kids, we were devastated. we had always wanted a daughter or a son, It didn't really matter to us. When pepper thought of adopting, I thought it was an amazing Idea. we talked about it for a while and we both decided we wanted a daughter between the ages 4 - 6. We didn't want them to old, so we could still raise them but old enough that we could explain that we weren't their real parents.

Penelope first caught my eye because she was all by herself. She is such a sweet little girl. When the employee at the orphanage told us that her parents died when she was very young, I couldn't believe it. She was such a nice kid. Both me and pepper fell in love with her and with a few hours of paperwork she was on her way home as the newest addition to our family.

And that's the beginning to my story.....

A/N - I might create a part 2 with more scenes with Penelope and her new family including her growing up.

Word Count - 685 words

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