The party-Gojo Satoru

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"GOJO FUCKING SATORU WHERE THE ABSOLUTE FUCK ARE YOU" I said looking for my boyfriend after he switched my shampoo with white hair dye. I saw Gojo in the kitchen cooking something ,"Oh, Bonjour Mon cherie" Gojo said holding my hand and kissing it but i pulled it away.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK GOJO, WE HAVE A FUCKING PARTY TO GO TO TONIGHT" I said still mad at him but he burst into laughter." Baby girl chill ,I wanted us to match but it seems like you don't like it ,Here's your breakfast" He said putting my food next to his seat and  sitting down .I  was still furious with him but you came up with a plan.

* 1 hour later*

"Baby I'm going to work now, I'll see you at the party" He said walking towards me and giving me a kiss on my forehead and leaving .I was at home this week due to me being sick and recovering quickly i could make it to a party that one of our close friends were holding.

I needed to have my revenge on Gojo for pulling a prank on me but i needed to make sure that he stops his pranks .I needed to win for once this plan may lead to me getting railed the shit out of me but who honestly cares.

*At the party*

I was dropped off at the mansion by a taxi as I walked in I could feel everybody's eyes on me, I mean I did wear the tightest and shortest (f/c) dress I could find in my closet that brought everything about my body. As I was walking towards Gojo a bunch of guys surrounded me and started asking me questions.

Gojo grabbed my arm and dragged me to sit down at a table." What the fuck do you think you're wearing Y/n, you know I hate guys looking at you" He said still holding my arm tightly but I got him to let go.

"Next time you don't go and dye my hair-"I was cut off by my friend walking towards us and greeting us," Woah I love your hair Y/n, I love how you both match "She said smiling then walked away going to greet the other guests.

Gojo then stood up and went to go tell our friend something and they both walked towards me ."Oh no Y/n i didn't know that you were still sick, you better get home and rest then "She said looking at me worried but I turned too see Gojo smirking at me.

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulders," Don't worry f/n she'll be ok" He said as he walked out of the party and threw me into the back of the car the car.

I'm  sorry for my laziness but i'll complete this tmw

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