Pocoyos down fall..

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Pocoyo is Mexican because yes. Pocoyo deflates the cartel. He sees 𝙿ato and he's having a party and is drunk. "wassup my ninja"pato says. "HOLA PATO FEO" pocoyo that is Mexican says. "Then big belly elly comes and joins the party with her sexy scooter. But then something bad happens. Lola comes and does a drive bye shooting. *scary gun shots* Pocoyo gets shotten 2 times in the no no square and dies. Elly and 𝙿𝚊𝚝𝚘 bring out there ak-69 and starts shooting lola. Lola then dies not sadly. Pocoyo is left on the ground and there are shedding tears for him. They then have funeral and eat tamales. Pocoyo then smells the tamales and is alive again. He wakes up screaming "IM GAYYY" . Then they celebrate. But then Lola arrives. :O)

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