Molten headcannons

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Back at sister location Freddy and Molten used to make cookies with pink frosting which is why he hated the color pink for a while

Molten and Bryan sometimes thought of being friends at the theme park but didn't because they didn't want Lefty to ship them (I got nothing against the ship if you ship it think of it as them being in denial)

Molten once blew up the kitchen during one of Lefty's shows because he started watching and didn't notice he was adding to much bass to the oven

Molten has a place in the vents with everyone's plushys and depending on how they treated him he will either throw them against the wall or give them a thing of cookies

- Freddy's plushy is forever stuck upside down on the ceiling attached to a battery fan getting hit against the wall along with spring traps

Molten calls Jon boss not to annoy Jon but to make sure Jon always see's becoming like Afton as bad so he doesn't go crazy

Onetime Molten walked in on Bryan having a mental break down and just walked in and joined listening to music (Ik someone had a similar idea to this but I figured I'd add it in cause I think is funny/wholesome)

Molten once saw Lefty sad so he said a pun to cheer him up despite hating puns because of how much he cares for Lefty

Molten would come out to scare children at the park during halloween 

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