The Computer

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Alissa woke with a tear streaked face. She sat up in bed and rubbed her stiff face. She walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. The night before she had it in a top bun. Know it was had fallen out and sticking out in every direction. Alissa remembered what had happened the night before and felt tears coming on. She walked over to the shower and turned it on. Alissa went and locked the door to her bathroom, and continued sobbing. She got undressed and got in the shower. She tried to washes away her tears with the water but they just kept on coming. She was in the shower for longer than a hour mostly trying to wash off the never ending tears. She sat there in the bathroom thinking which way to go with problem. She could take it the hard way or the easy way. Alissa came out of the bathroom with a new plan. She was going to make Aaron so jealous that she was dating another man. So that he could feel her pain of betrayal.
Well first of all they really weren't broken up yet. So Alissa was going to make the move. Alissa skipped classes and meetings all day. She paced around her room all morning thinking of the worst way, the meanest way to break up with him. Alissa decided that she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of of seeing her, not even a note with her handwriting to keep. She was going to TEXT HIM. She had it all planned out. Alissa was going to txt him at eight o'clock p.m.. Right when he got out of his last meeting.
Alissa sat in bed most of the day eating chocolate, telling her worried friends that she was okay and that she just wanted to be left alone, and thinking about Aaron. "Should I really do this to him. It's not very kind of me to do this to him, he was always so nice to me. What am I saying, breaking up with someone is never nice or easy. Alissa you have this all planned out you're going to this, you have made a decision," Alissa battered to herself.
It was elven o'clock, lunch. Alex, Ethan, Tucker, Madelyn, Hayley, and Marina where all sitting at a table for lunch. Aaron got his food, walked over and sat down with the group. Ethan turned his head towards Aaron and asked, "where's Alissa?" "I don't know, we got in a argument last night. She wasn't listening and ... she is really mad at me." "What was the argument about?" Ethan asked. "Just something small that turned drastic." Aaron said. "Oh, well be careful you probably have a fist full of fire coming your way!" Ethan said while slapping Aaron on the back. "I guess.....I hope that she isn't going to do something drastic," Aaron said with frown.
7:55 p.m.
Alissa sat in her bed thinking. "Should I break up with Aaron. Or just talk with him. What if he has a reason? No, they probably promised him some type of reward if he helped them!...Okay, what would be the logical thing to do... Well he was emailing them and probably giving them information. The email is the only evidence that he is working with them. He isn't out of his meeting yet. Maybe you should go look at his computer."

Alissa got out pf her bed and walked over to her door. She unlocked the handle and the dead blot. Alissa cracked the door open and peaked out the door. No one was in the hall. Alissa slowly closed the door behind her and ran across the hall to Aaron's room. Alissa had three minutes till the meeting got out. Aaron's door was unlock surprisingly. Alissa quietly opened the door and slid into his room. She left the door creaked open so she could hear if any one was coming. Alissa walked over to Aaron's computer and popped the lid. The computer was shutdown. Alissa started wondering if she would stay and wait for it to boot up. Alissa pressed the power button on the laptop and say there waiting for it to turn on.
Alissa sat there waiting for five minutes.
Then she heard foot steps and laughter in the hall. Alissa unplugged the laptop and walked on her tip toes over to the door. Alissa looked out and saw Aaron and Tucker laughing so hard that they where bent over. Alissa took the chance and ran as fast as she could over to her room.
Alissa got in, and SLAMED the door behind her. She locked and bolted her door and ran over to her bed. The laptop was know on, but there was a password she had to enter. Alissa sat there for a couple minutes thinking of what it could be. Alissa started entering a whole bunch of things, his favorite pizza place, his favorite soda, where he used to live, his high school name, his name, his last name, and which was all wrong. Alissa heard a pound on her door. "Give me my laptop!" Aaron yelled through the door. "Nope, sorry, Bucky no chance your getting this back." Alissa screamed back at him. "No chance you'll guess the password." Aaron yelled back through the door. Alissa sat in her bed for the next couple minutes ignoring Aaron's yelling and pounding. Then it stopped when she heard her cell ring. It was a text from Aaron.

Alissa Vanesa White give it back!!!!!😠😠😡😡

It came to Alissa, the password was her name. Alissa quickly typed in her name... the password was correct. Alissa took the laptop and took a picture on her phone of her smiling with the computer on its home page.

Thanks for the help!!!😋😆😆😆😆

Alissa sent it to Aaron and laughed as it was sending. She received a reply from Aaron.


Alissa set her phone down and click on Aaron's email link. His emails pooped up. Alissa scrolled through all of them. One was from Aaron and said,
You can trace us from the phone signal that Alissa will be using to track our location.
Alissa laid back against her bed post. "He really is working with them," Alissa thought. Alissa felt sick to her stomach. Alissa started tiering up again. She closed the laptop and set it on the dresser beside her. Alissa felt like she had been used and betrayed by him. Alissa got tired of all the emotions that she had been through and decided that a nap would be nice.

A couple of week went by. Alissa was know out of her room and finally starting to get back to her un emotional. Alissa had been trying to avoid Aaron ever since she had got the computer back. Alissa had been watching the emails on Aaron's computer every night before she went to bed. They where all basically the same thing over and over again. We will harm her or We have found you ...ect. All basically threats. "Why would Aaron be working for them. Who is she, that they will harm. Then there's the constant message of We have found you. The alarms on the building haven't gone off yet and all the cameras haven't found anything?
Alissa sat at the lunch table with Hayley, Marina, Madelyn, and their new friend they have meet Addison Fisher. She is a newer girl around here and she's pretty nice. Alissa started talking to the group about her day and her date with Austin (her trainer) tonight. Everyone just looked strait into Alissa's eyes. "What happened to you and Aaron," Madelyn asked in a worried tone. "We got in a fight and we haven't really been talking lately," Alissa said while looking down at her Caesar salad. "But you haven't broken up yet and your already going out with another dude!" Marina pronounced loudly. "I guess, I am not ready to let go of him and I am trying to but I can't. So I think that if I start dating someone else it will be easier for me," Alissa said trying to make everyone understand. Hayley said, "For you or for -." "Please don't say his name, please." Alissa begged. "It's very hard for me to let him go and I don't know what he thinks about it. He very mad at me and-" "You are way to stressed about this. I think that you just need to talk and sort things out," Addison interrupted. "Thanks for the advice but, he is the kind of guy that might need some time to cool off after what happened," Alissa said to Addison. "Well if you fell you two need two separate, for what ever reason. I am hear to help you." Marina said trying to calm Alissa back down. "Thanks, right know I just need support from my friends." Alissa said while looking around at them all.
Austin walked up behind Alissa and put his hands on her shoulders. Alissa jerked around. "Ready for our date tonight," he asked. "I guess," Alissa smiled. "Well I better get back to my post," see ya later." Austin said with a big grin. Alissa waved to him as he walked away.
"Alissa he is coming over here," Madelyn whispered across the table. Alissa gave them a worried glance, quickly got up, and started walking across the room towards the hall. Aaron caught up with Alissa and grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. "What are you doing and why was Austin talking with you?" Aaron asked. "I am trying to avoid you, if you haven't noticed! Austin was talking to me about our date!" Alissa barley spoke the last word before Aaron exploded with anger. "Wait, you are seeing him?!" "Yes, I am! And if you don't mind, leave me alone!" Alissa said while shoving his hand off her shoulder. Alissa started walking away. Aaron ran up in front of Alissa and stopped her. "But, we are still together," Aaron with a questioning look on his face. "Well, you and me weren't talking, and Austin asked me out on a date. So I said, 'yes'!" Alissa yelled, while trying not to cry. Aaron tried walking up to Alissa but she kept on stepping back. Aaron eventually walked Alissa back up against a wall. Aaron started leaning in, but right before Aaron's lips touched Alissa's. Alissa slapped him across the face. "If you ever try that move again. You'll be hurting some where else," Alissa screamed in his face. Alissa and Aaron stood there in complete silence, just staring at each other. Alissa rolled her eyes at Aaron, and stormed off to her room.

Hey!! Readers please comment and star!!! It takes some motivation to write.

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