"A-and we always act like strangers. We don't eat dinner together, we avoid each other at all costs and we don't even sleep in the same bed anymore!" Larry exclaimed and started full out sobbing.

Like with snot bubbles sobbing.

"That's rough buddy." I say with pity as I pat his back.

By now he was the one sitting on the chair, crying into his hands whilst I was crouched beside him.

The dude didn't even realise I got myself free from the ropes but I guess when someone goes through an emotional breakdown, they tend to ignore their surroundings.

Now, you might be wondering,"Oh mighty Leonessa, how did your smart and beautiful self get free from the ropes?"

Well, my dear reader, it's something called...


That's right, my wonderful brain came up with something that all women should buy to use against any kind of predator and look good whilst doing it.

The Deathly Rose is what I like to call it. A beautiful gold ring with a detailed rose decorating the top, but what's hidden underneath the rose, is a sharp, mini dagger. With one punch, whoever was assaulting you, would be on the ground, missing an eye!

And it can cut through any kind of rope under 7.85 seconds tops, so it's a win-win situation.

I'm quite the genius really.

Oh don't look at me like that, it's called advertisement people! Get with the program!


"Look Larry, it sounds to me that your not expressing just how much you love your wife, and the secrets that you're keeping from her is just adding to that. She probably wants you to show her and reassure her that you do in fact love her with all your heart, that she's the one you want to go through life with. So why don't you quit this dangerous job and do something you actually enjoy, like owning a flower shop since you told me that you have a passion for flowers and nature. But before doing that, take your wife out to her most favourite place and tell her just how much you love her. Understand?" I ask at the end as I grasp his shoulders, making sure he listens to my every word.

(Leonessa's Love Advice 101. Available online and in all bookstores today!📚)

He looks at me with slight uncertainty, but eventually nods his head as he wipes his nose with his sleeve.

"Y-yeah I understand, thank you Leonessa." He said with a greatful tone.

"It's no problem Larry, I'm glad I could help, buuut I am sorry about what I'm gonna do in like, three seconds from now." I say as I release his shoulders.

"Wha-" He could barely get a word out before I left hooked him in the temple, knocking him completely out.

He slumped to the side as I shook my hand in slight pain, the guy's got a tough skull.

Ok, time to get the hell outta here like a dad going to buy some milk.

I looked down the corridor after slightly opening the door which didn't even make any kind of sound like I expected it to.

My shoes were removed when I woke up which is actually a good thing since it reduces the chance of making a loud noice but I swear, if I get some kind of foot fungus, I'm gonna kill somebody.

The corridors were kinda creepy with the few flickering LED lightbulbs hanging loosely from the ceiling. There were even scratch marks on the walls for peanut's sake. But I do my best to ignore those thoughts and try to navigate myself through this maze.

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