"Who!" They all asked in unison

"He is the alpha of this pack, his name is Ashton." I said proudly

"Thats great.!" Ryan said

"Thats not all." I said thinking about my mother and Carly

"What else?" Tina asked

"Mom left and Carly and I haven't spoken in who knows how long." I stated sadly

"Were sorry Bea." Ryan said

"Well Ash proposed." I said excitedly

"OMG!!!!! There is so much to do! So much to plan!" Tina said

Haha told ya her and Hope were alike

"I never said I accepted." I stated

"You said no!?" Christie asked dramatically

"No Im just kidding, i would never say no." I said

"Good I was about to beat you." Tina said

"Yea well, im also pregnant." I said with a grin on my face

"YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!"Christie yelled, she loved kids

"Calm yo tits Chris!" I giggled

"Im happy for you Bea. Ryan said

"As I am for you! My sofite got him a mate! Enough about me. Who is she?" I asked

"Shes beautiful, smart, and so many other things." Ryan said dreamily

"Nice to know, but I asked who dear." I said

"Oh her name is Nancy." He said

"Awww, I want you all to come down before my wedding to help but I still have to ask Ash." I said

"Just let us know and we will be there before you can say molasses, as long as you say it really slow." Christie said

I turned to Ash and looked at him hopefully. He nodded. I squealed.

"He said yall could!" I yelled happily

"Were packing now!" Tina said

"Love you all my little muffins!" I said

"Love ya Bea!" Ryan said, Ash nuzzled his head in my hair trying to calm his wolf

"LOVE YOU GIRLIE!!!!!" both Tina and Christie shouted

We both hung up.

I cupped my hands on Ashs face and kissed him

"I love you." I said

"I love you too." He replied kissing me again, but with more force and passion

I wrapped my legs around his waist as he lofted me up. He pushed everything off his desk and laid me down on it, still with out breaking the kiss.

As he was pulling my dress down Dean came in.

Ash growled and covered me up.

"God you two! That is made strictly for the bed room. Eww, just eww. I think Im going to puke." Dean said dramatically

"Your fault, you could have nocked. Plus you better be glad you didnt see my mate or else you would be dead right now. So look on the bright side man." Ash said and helped me up.

"Now I forgot what I was going to tell yo- oh yea Alpha said he had urgent business to attend to out of town that you are in charge." Dean said

"Thanks man. Ash said

Dean nodded and left.

I had already started putting his things back on his desk.

"Want to watch a movie with me babe?" Ash asked after it was a clean

"Sure, what are we watching?" I asked as we were walking back to our room.

"You'll see." He said with a smirk

We were back im the room and I put on my black yoga pants and s blue tank. Then plopped down on the bed as Ash put on the movie.

He laid in bed with me snuggled to his side. He put on the notebook.

"Your amazing." I said and kissed his collar bone

"You do that again and we wont be watching anything." He said

I giggled.


Sorry it took so long, talk about a major case of writers block. But once I had gotten an idea, my power went out so I couldn't upload it. Dont be mad, im sorry. Love you all! Give me comments!


Your Mine! Get Over It!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora