Chapter 42

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He murmured a sum that was barely audible.

" What?"

" Look, just sign the damn contract and we have to get going, "said Mark adamantly.  Raising to his feet he moved around the desk to take swift strides bringing him up against me. He spared at me with the bright green light in his eyes. I blinked back in confusion.  I had a simple question and required a simple answer. I opened my mouth to reiterate that but he closed in the distance between us.  I gasped certain that he was about to kiss me but he didn't.  Going past my now oddly trembling lips his paused by my ears and in it he whispered.

" A round figure of $1.8billion," he whispered softly before leaning back to look my reaction in my eye.

I am sad to say I embarrassed myself.  That I stared back mouth agape and gasping for air like a fish out of water. Well make that a gold fish for I was certain that my eyes boggled as well.

"Who the fuck was your uncle?  Bill Gates or something? " I managed to get out at last.

But his smirk was condescending. Almost to the extent of even indulging raising my ire even further.

"Billionaires are not all that scarce any longer. Indeed most hide away having earned their fortunes through ill gotten grains. My uncle was one of them.  Related to me on my mother's side. Uncle Rawdon Clifford is of the old Cliffords family.  Their fortunes while impressive was nothing like what Rawdon himself amassed from it. Always the bad boy of the pack, Rawdon was nothing short of a criminal held in disdain from his own family.  Yet on his death each and everyone scrambled for the fortune he left behind but his will was clear and legal.  There was nothing I could do to change it. To get out if the loop holds he insisted on.  Why he left his money to me I have no idea. My only guess was he saw something of him in me. I am afterall a black sheep of my family much as he was too. Only perhaps I am not quite that criminally inclined."

Stunned silent by this revelation I could only continue to stare back at Mark just as he continued to stare down at me.

" You know, " he murmured softly under his breath almost as if he was talking to himself.  "You know.'re not that bad to look at. I think marriage to you may not be such a hardship afterall."

My palms itched then. So much so that I had to tighten them into fists just to prevent from reaching out to slap his lights out. Just thinking of it gave me a satisfaction I couldn't hide.

"Uh..uh," he whispered huskily shaking his head in the negative.  " You need to get your head out of my pants, honey. At least until we are wed." His eyes twinkled mischievously showing me that he knew exactly how I felt and that my shaking frame was not exactly quivering in lust. At least not the kind he obnoxiously presumed.

I didn't resist it then but let my hand fly.

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