3. Helping and Healing

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"Hello?? Who is this?"

The only response they would get was heavy forced breathing.

At point they couldn't cancel the call now - a prank call would have normal breathing, this - this was not normal. 

They didn't know much about this mysterious caller, but they knew one thing;

Whoever called needed help.

"Hello?! Miss? Mister? Agh - ! Whatever your pronouns are, please stranger do something for me"

"What 5 things can you see?"

It was quiet for a little while, and slowly a faint voice answered.

"My - " There was a cough. " closet, inhaler, brush"

"Go on, your doing great" 

There were a few deep breaths.

"A piece of crumpled up paper, and my door"

"4 Things you can touch"


She took deep breaths - she took her medication, she did everything she could think of.

But it wasn't working.

Each deep breath she took made her want to burst into the tears, but she wasn't sad.

She wasn't sad. 

I'm not sad - if anything if would be Skyla who should be sad I'm being selfish I'm I'm -

Tiny waterfalls started to come out of her eyes. 

She didn't know why she was crying. 

She was angry.

She had to be.

She was angry before.

Why is she crying now? 

This is so petty of me.

I'm not the one who's upset.

I'm not upset.

More tears one by one kept coming down her face. 

Her cheek was soaked.

I don't understand.

Why is this so hard?

I don't like this.

Fortunately for her, she lived alone. So she got up and went to get tissues. 

By now she was sulking. 

She didn't know why she was this way - or what to do when she did feel like this.

She wiped her tears. 

Trying not to think about any other thoughts that would make her cry more.

She tried to think about nice things,

but that just made her cry more.

Nothing was working.

She was back at square one, but now she was soaked in tears.

There was only one thing to do now.

She picked up her phone.

And dialed Skyla's number.



She didn't answer.

For a second there Marigold was happy - knowing she could just talk to Skyla, and this would all be over.

That was wishful thinking.

Skyla's upset at me.

Her heart sank.

She had finally gotten the chance to live her dream.

To live the gay happy love dream she had wished for ever since she was 6.

And she ruined it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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