54 - Ex

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Asshole Dela Vega

Jane Aurora
Is it true?

Asshole Dela Vega
Hi to you, too, Janey.

Jane Aurora
Did you really fire those trolls who
kept commenting on my post??

Asshole Dela Vega

Jane Aurora
Was it from your company?

Asshole Dela Vega
No. They were from Hatch DeCore.
And no, I won't change my mind.
They were bullying you. I won't
fucking let it pass.

Jane Aurora
Um, I'm sure
they were sorry?

Asshole Dela Vega
They were. That's because I caught who they were. I won't change my mind, Janey.

Jane Aurora
I won't ask you naman to
change your mind.
Pero kaseeee.

Asshole Dela Vega
What is it? Tell me.

Jane Aurora
People at the building willl make
chismis about me for sure. Ayoko
ng ganun. Wala na sa'kin lalapit.
Wala ako friends. Kabago-bago
ko pa lang.😩

Asshole Dela Vega
Baby, you'll be fine.
Gusto mo sasabayan na
kita for lunch? So you
won't be alone.

Jane Aurora
Halaaaaa!!! Baby??
Speed mo naman, Sir Nate!
I'm not your Baby. 😌

Asshole Dela Vega
But you look like my Baby.

Jane Aurora

Asshole Dela Vega
Kinikilig na ba ang baby?

Jane Aurora

Asshole Dela Vega
But seriously. You'll tell me if someone makes you uncomfortable, okay? I'll deal with it.

Jane Aurora
You can fire someone from
our office? You don't
work there.

Asshole Dela Vega
But my parents are one of the owners.
So technically. I can.

Jane Aurora
Wait, what??

Asshole Dela Vega
Silent partners.

Jane Aurora
Oh. And um, another thing.
But don't get mad.😌😩

Asshole Dela Vega
Tell me.

Jane Aurora
Is it still Ma'am Paige for you?
'Yung totoo. I won't get jealous.
Konti lang.

Asshole Dela Vega
She's my ex.

Jane Aurora
I know.🙄

Asshole Dela Vega
And what? That's it. She's my ex.

Jane Aurora
Are you going back together with her?

Asshole Dela Vega
What kind of question is that?
Of course not.

Jane Aurora
Pero you tried to woo her back.
Kaya lang wala balikan na naganap.

Asshole Dela Vega
Where did you get all these information?

Jane Aurora
Eh kase naman. I didn't mean to eavesdrop.
I was at the comfort room and I heard two emoloyees talking about you and Ma'am Paige.

Asshole Dela Vega
Janey, chismis are not accurate.
Paige is my ex. She became my girlfriend when I was 21 and she was 20. We've been together for 4 yrs. We broke up 'cause she wanted to pursue her dreams. Then she came back a year later, and yes, I tried to woo her back. She said no. That was a year ago.

Jane Aurora
A year ago lang. May
feelings ka pa for sure.😐

Asshole Dela Vega

Jane Aurora
Ayoko na.  I'm selos na.😩

Asshole Dela Vega
Let's talk. I'll come to you.

Jane Aurora
It's late. 'Wag na.

Asshole Dela Vega
We're friends. No more. I care for her as a friend. Automatic na 'yun na ganun 'cause we were friends before we had a relationship. And she's friends with my friends. Believe me, my eyes are already locked on someone else.

Jane Aurora
Childhood friends?

Asshole Dela Vega
We met in Highschool. She was a scholar and she was working jobs to help her parents and siblings.

Jane Aurora
Huuh. Your parents approved of her?

Asshole Dela Vega
Are you going somewhere with your questions?
If you're going to overthink about this...

Jane Aurora
No. I just want to know.

Asshole Dela Vega
Okayy. Yes, my our relationship was approved by my parents. It's not, like, a teleserye na aapihin dahil mag-kaiba estado sa buhay. My parents aren't like that, Jane.

Jane Aurora
Okay. I'm going to sleep na. Good night.

Asshole Dela Vega
Jane. What did I do? Sabi ko naman sa'yo. Nag-ooverthink ka ba? Tell me. Puntahan na kita.

Jane Aurora
Ayoko. I'm going to sleep na.

Asshole Dela Vega

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