Confession? -1

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Huff!!... It's okay Avni... It's okay ... It's your life and you get to take every decision... " A girl said to herself consoling her heart.

" Avni.....The boy is denying to take the shot! " Said her friend while Avni was lost into her thoughts.

She stood getting no response from her and moved to her and shaked her.

"Huh?!! What happened Sunheri?" She said and faked her smile when she shaked her.

"Where are you lost madam?... That boy is denying to take the shot... " She said while Avni stood up.

"Kahi nahi.. I will go... " She said and moved towards the camp.

She went in and moved towards the bed and gave a smile to the boy who looks bit scared.

"Hey!!.. " She said trying to start a conversation while the boy didn't speak anything.

"I am Avni.... Can we be friends? " She stretched her hand towards the boy while Still the boy didn't replied.

" You know... I was like you only... I was so terrifed of injections when I was in the age of you... " She said to him.

"Let's make a deal... I will give you the shot... If it pains you... Let's not be friends.. If it's not.., then you have to be friend with me... What's say? " She asked excitedly while the boy nodded his head negatively while Avni pouted. All this was seen by a pair of eyes.

"I am scared! " Said the boy seeing her sad.

"Do you trust me?... " She said showing her hand for a hifi while the little boy looked at her hand and then her while the boy gave hifi.

"Very good!!.. I promise I won't break the trust.. " She said ruffling his hairs and she took a music player from her coat and gave it to him.

"I heard you like music...i have a poor taste in music.. But still you can listen to it " She said giving to him while the boy smiled and took it from her and plugged in headphone in his ears.

"Now close your eyes... " She said while he did as she told

Avni moved towards the table and took the injection. She moved towards him and lift his shirt up a little and rubbed his arm with the cotton and gave him the shot.

The boy then opened his eyes and looked at her and smiled as it didn't pained as he thought and moreover he got distracted by the music.

"See I told you na.. I won't make it hurt for you.. " She smiled saying to him.

"Friends now? " She again stretched her hand while he smiled

" Thank you ....I am Mowgli .. " He gave in for a shake while Avni smiled.

The person who was seeing this smiled widely staring Avni lovingly.

"Neil Sir ji... " Called someone while his trance got broken

"Aap ab tak yaha ho? .. Bohat koon nikal raha hai... Aap bhi na... " His colleague DD said complaining while he looked at his hand and then him.

"Dr. Avni.. " Dd called her while she looked at him.

"Can you please come here? " He said while Avni came there and saw blood in his hand.

"Kya hua.. " She asked holding his hand seeing the wound.

"We were just cleaning our camp and Sirji accidentally hit his hand on a nail in his table... " Dd said while Avni glared at Neil and Neil looked down and then glared at DD.

She hold his hand and took him from there and made him to sit on the bed. She took the cotton while making loud sounds with her medical instruments while he understood that she is angry.

Avneil One Shots...❤❤Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum