Carla was now wearing was now sporting shorts and a t-shirt. Feeling self-conscious about the white dress I was wearing, I thought I needed a change to. When we walked by Carla’s brothers room I peeked in. The door was wide open. Nobody was inside.

“I’m going to go home and change really quick.” I said to Carla as we walked out the front door. Carla turned around to me.

“Okay I’ll go and get Bryn. When you’re done just meet me back here.” 

I didn’t get a chance to reply, seeing as Carla was already off getting Bryn. I was stunned for a moment, as Carla skipped off. It’s weird how nice she is to me. Nobody I’ve ever met was like that. No one has ever been this happy to befriend me. I guess they haven’t had a new girl around here in awhile.

I glanced back over towards my house. As I made my way over to it I looked up at the sky. The sky was the same as it always is. That is the one thing that never changes, even when everything else does. 

“Darcy! Where the heck have you been?”

I brought my head back to its normal position. Jeremy always catches me at the worst moments.

“Where the hell do you think I’ve been?” I ask.

“Language.” Mom says as she walks out from behind the truck, carrying in a box. I roll my eyes. Of course she’s there to criticize me, but never there for anything else. Mom walks into the house, leaving Jeremy and I again. Standing before him, I decide, is the best place to pester him.

“So what did you find,” He asks. “Anything good?”

“You saw me with those girls didn’t you.”

I know Jere well enough. He would never ask me ‘if I found anything good’. If he thought there would be anything interesting he would have went on his own, or less likely, with me. What he was really trying to get information on was the girls I was with, thats the only thing he cares about.

“Give me the details on the blond one.”

“You’re such a pig.” I laugh.

I walk into the house, opening the door slowly. I scan the area beyond the door. It was set up similarly to Carla’s house. Except mine was more of a stylish version. Taking a few tentative steps inside, I came to the conclusion of something. I’m not sure if it was the cozy looking couch, or the fancy kitchen sink, or even the expensive looking glass table, but almost instantly I fell in love with this house. 

“Isn’t it so awesome?” Jeremy asked, coming up behind me.

“Yea it’s nice.” Jeremy starts to walk past me, I watch him walk past the living room and kitchen. He stops in front of a door, and smiles.

“Wait until you see this.”

He opens the door, and I walk over peaking in. A light colored carpeted stair case leads down into the unknown. 

“What’s down there?” 

Cutting in front of me Jere run down the stairs. When he reaches the bottom he looks up at me.

“Aren’t you coming?”

I walk skeptically down the stairs. Intrigued at the creak of each step, as I make my way to the bottom. The basement is bigger, and better than I thought. Jeremy is sprawled himself across the large leather couch, that stretched across the room.

“What do you think?” He asks

In front of the couch was a giant flat screen tv, that almost seemed to take up the whole wall. Around it were new looking video game systems. Something Jeremy always wanted. Over in the corner of the room was a popcorn machine. Something I always wanted. Mom always said popcorn was bad for you.

“I…I don’t know what to say. This is so cool.” Jeremy nods his head in satisfaction.

“I thought you were going to say something like that. Finally there is really something to look forward to. I’m never going to leave this place.” Jeremy went over by the tv and picked up a controller. “Want to play me?”

I contemplated the question for a minute. There will be plenty of other times to play video games. I still haven’t seen the rest of the house yet.

“You just go outside. See if there are any girls out there.” I give a devious smirk to Jere, before treading up the stairs. 

My parents were, at least what I could tell, not in the house. Creeping down the hallway, I opened each door looking for my own. The first door I opened had a dark wood furnish with dark blue colors. Definitely Jeremy’s room. The next door was a large room, with a king bed. The room didn’t have a desk in it, and the colors were bland. Mom and Dad’s room. There were only two doors left, and I had a good feeling about the next one. All the anticipation today was killing me, and just when I thought it was about to bring me down, I saw what was beyond the door.

A sturdy bed frame encompassed a thick fluffy mattress, and on top was a fluffy white comforter. I looked around the room more. A dresser sat against the wall, next to the closet. I am positive I don’t have anywhere near enough clothes to put in all that space. I went over to the dresser, sliding my hands over the new piece of furniture. I opened the first door, surprised at what I saw. It was filled with clothes. Clothes that I have never seen before. I opened up the drawer below it finding the same thing. Moving onto the closet I found the same thing. It was filled. Except the closet was filled with very similar things. Several pairs of tan skirts, pants hanged along with collared shirts with the same embellishment. I have seen this before. Its the school uniform. Thats explainable, but what about the dresser filled with clothes? 

“I see you have found your room.” I jump at the latest voice.

“Mom. You scared me.”

Mom waltzes into the room. She comes over, and leans on the dresser. 

“Have you found this yet?” She opens one of the drawers, pulling out a shirt that I have never seen before. She holds it up in front of her.

“I had your Dad order you all these new clothes. Your old ones were getting a little decrepit don’t you think?”

I didn’t think so, but I kept my mouth shut. I knew what Mom wanted to hear.

“Thanks Mom. I love them.” She beams.

“I know, but you can thank me later. Go outside with Jeremy.’’

“Jeremy said he didn’t want to go outside with me.” Mom cocks her head.

“Really? Thats funny because I saw Jeremy go out the front door a few minutes ago.”

So the little jerk took my advice. He went out to see the girls… he’s such a little perv.

“I’ll meet with him in a bit, I just came to change first.”

Theres an awkward silence as my mom continues to lean on the dresser, and I continue to stand there waiting for her to go.

“I guess thats my cue to go then?” I guess so…

I don’t answer. With a sigh she leaves. Before shutting the door she felt the need to say one last thing.

“Don’t be too late, we are having a family dinner tonight.” The loud shut of the door makes me jump almost as much as it did when she first came in. 

I rummage through the drawers looking for a good pair of shorts. Not much in the drawers are my style. They all look like things from Carla’s closet. Honestly, the clothes are all a little mature for me. I have a pretty basic style, and everything in these drawers seem purposefully a bit to shirt, or a bit to tight. Mom always says I should ‘show off what I have’ which doesn’t make much sense since I don’t have much to show off.

Satisfied with my crop top and shorts, I walk back out of the house. I try not to look around the rooms when I go, just in case I run into Mom again. 

I should be going to Carla’s house, which is where she said for me to come back to. I get confused when I see the back of a group of unfamiliar people standing near her house. I start to walk towards it. One of them become familiar when I recognize the blond head of my brother. 

“Jeremy!” I call out.

The group turns around, and it clicks. Not only is Jeremy talking to the girls… but the boys to.

That Special Dirt Road (On Hold For Revision)Where stories live. Discover now