Chapter two wondering

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(Usagi POV)
"I can't believe I'm doing this" I thought to myself "I can't believe I'm helping him" I look forward, jei walking in front of me as we go through a forest, I can't help but to think that I should have just let him go look for the child himself instead of helping him! but I couldn't help myself. I don't know how I would have felt if the child was harmed and I done nothing. we have been following the hoof prints for a while and didn't even get any sleep or food "jei last night we have been walking Non Stop and now today is almost over I think we should look for it inn" "absolutely not! we can't waste any time we have to find my innocence!" he growled "I understand you are worried jei, but you have to remember we need sleep, we need food" "you need sleep! you need food! I don't have to sleep or eat as much as you!" he said an annoyance " Jei let me make this clear... that is the case for YOU. the DEMON. i am a MORTAL." I said rather annoyed "...fine. but she better be okay when we find her or I'll make you suffer!" he growled "she will be I'll make sure of it" I said. I can tell he is really worried even though he much rather hide it. eventually after a little while walking we find a path, we make a mental note of where the hoof prints were before following the path hoping to find a inn "so what is it like?" Jei looks at me raising a eyebrow "what do you mean?" "being a demon." "worship the dark gods and exist. you need to be a bit more Pacific" he said a bit annoyed " ok ok. hmm. were you born a demon or became a demon?" when I asked that Jei stopped in his tracks, he looked down at the ground like if he was pondering something "I... It's t-that... I... I-it's none of your business!" at first he sounded trouble before yelling out in anger and frustration "oh! I'm sorry if it was something sensitive. I meant no disrespect."he looks up at me "it's fine I....I just don't want to talk about it." I was surprised at how calmly he said it, he's been annoyed with working with me and worried about keiko this whole time. he starts walking again and I follow behind him "may I ask something else?" he sighs "shoot" "what is it like possessing someone?" i asked " oh look a village there must be an inn there! let's hurry up before it becomes night!!!" he immediately starts quickly walking towards the village "but you didn't answer my question! and wait for me!!" I run to catch up to him "I'm not going to! and let's just get some food and sleep!" he yelled back at me "okay hopefully we can get our clothes clean too" " that would be.... very nice actually" he said as he looks at his clothing the pure black Kimono currently covered in mud. I too look at my clothing and see my late Lord mifune's mon is covered in mud, I tried to brush some of the mud off of it but it's no use, you can't even see a single one of the three black circles on the mon, it desperately needs to get clean. we continue our way to the village and find a inn, we walk inside and get greeted by The innkeeper "hello you too young samurai what can I do for- oh my! if you don't mind can we take your clothing and clean it? we don't want too much mud being brought in" The innkeeper said nervously "thank you it is no problem. we would also like to have two rooms and some food" "I'm sorry samurai we only have one room left, but enough for two!" The innkeeper said "of course" jei sighed "that is no problem innkeeper. do you also have extra clothing we can wear temporarily?" I asked "of course samurai let me take you two to your room and I'll get your food ready" The innkeeper respond "oh and if it's not too much to ask can I have some tea as well?" "I'll have some too I guess" Jei added "yes of course samurai! follow me" he walks us to some rooms "this one is yours, I'll get the tea and food ready, my wife will come for your clothing" "thank you innkeeper." we go into the room and change into white kimonos. Jei broke the silence in the room "I can't believe we're wasting our time" I look up at him "if we eat and rest we'll have more energy to look for Keiko" "you're right but I much rather go look for her" he said in a worried tone. "samurai I am here for your clothing" "oh yes!" I opened the door and hand over our clothing to the innkeeper's wife "I promise I'll be very careful with them" she said nervously as she looks at the clothing of two samurais "it's fine don't stress yourself about it" I said although I do hope mine don't get ruined. she leaves and we sit waiting for our food and tea "I haven't had this kind of food since I was possessing Inazuma and keiko got me some rice when that body was injured." Jei said "and Inazuma died because of you" I thought to myself. "what have you been eating then?" "bugs and grubs" Jei said "oh ew. had it before not a fan" I said remembering the time I had to do so to survive "Keiko liked it" Jei whimpered under his breath "well I think you'll like the food here" The innkeeper knocks at the door "samurai i have the food you two wanted" I get up and open the door " thank you innkeeper" I grabbed the food "we hope you enjoy samurai!" I give he a smile closing the door but behind the door we hear The innkeeper and wife talking "the long eared samurai is so polite but that wolf is creepy" said The innkeeper as he starts to walk "his eyes are pure white it's gastly! I'm scared about him being here" the wife added as they walked too far away for us to hear them, Jei looks a little upset "to talk about the blade of the gods that way" "you are a killer" I said "the ones I have killed had evil in their souls! I am doing what the gods ask!" jei replied "from what I've seen the ones you have killed have been innocent people so far" "I would not expect someone like you to understand you are just as evil as the rest of them" he said as he takes a bite out of the food, his eyes widen "hmm!" "I take it you enjoyed the food?" I take a bite out of mine as well "it's better than I expected..." he starts to eat it quite quickly "slow down you're eating like you never had this before" "besides the rice none that I can remember. maybe I had some more before I don't remember" he said continuing to eat "wait you don't remember? is that why you didn't want to answer my question before about if you were born a demon or made into one?" I asked curious, he stops eating "I um yes I don't remember if I was born a demon or not... but it's still none of your concern! the gods probably had their reasons taking away my memory!" "wait they took away your memories?! that's awful! how can you be so trusting of them?!" I exclaimed "like I said it's none of your concern! and I doubt they have anything to hide from me. I am their blade! if I was mortal my life was probably terrible so it was a blessing I forgot" he's getting defensive. "*sigh* fine believe what you want but I highly doubt that they're not hiding something." I can't help but to feel a bit concerned, even though he's my enemy all the bad things he's done was for his "gods" and apparently there's a chance that they got rid of his memory, why would they do that? "I'm done with my food and tea good night" Jei said as he lays down "wait what that quick?!" I look over at his food in Surprise "yep good night" he closes his eyes "good night" I say in bewilderment, but I do not think about that for too long as my thoughts wander back to Jei's gods, deep down inside I was hoping that I could help Jei but now I just want to try even more, do they really want him to become one of them or do they have a more sinister plan for Jei? I laid down as I thought about it, soon I started to feel my eyelids become heavy "I'm so tired" I said as I slip into sleep.

End of chapter 2

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