Power Reawake :Part 4

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Leaving the academy Naruto went home to see if he had his power's still.

'First off I need to know if kurama's with me since the seal is still on at this point in time.' Naruto thought as he leapt from roof top to roof top. Once Naruto reach his home he pulled his key out and put it into the lock. Turning it  Naruto opened the door to walked in taking his head banned off he put it down on his night stand moving to the center of his bedroom Naruto sat down and began to meditate.

Mind scape.

When Naruto opened his eye's he looked around and saw the sewer that he alway's went to when he went into his mind. Looking to the seal Naruto saw kurama.

" 'Bout time you came here Naruto now remove the seal I hate being cramped like this." Kurama said.

"Yeah yeah hold on." Naruto saidas he wento to remove the seal." Wait i'll get to see my dad and mom again this is awsome." Naruto said as he went to rip the seal off only for a hand to stop his and attempt to throw him back but Naruto stood ferm and strong.

"Naruto please step back." The fourth said as he attempted to push Naruto's hand away.

"No chance dad and can I please unseal my freind." Naruto said.

"So you know that I'm your dad how did you find out." The fourth asked.

"I'd like to explain that when mom's here." Naruto said getting a shocked gasp from his dad.

"You know about that two but how?"

"Well when your from the futrue  it's easy to know who your parent's are and one of the only way's to meet them."

"But what does the kyubi have to do with this?"

"He's my freind dad I need him so I can save this world."

"What do you mean by save this world?" Minato at this point was confused more then head like to be but here he is infront of his son not understanding him at all.' Man this must be how it feel's to have a teen age son YOSH, parenting feeling achived.' Minato thought.

"Just let me do this plus i wouldnt do this if I didnt know what I was doing." Naruto said as he grabed his father's hand and moved it out of the way. Grabing the seal Naruto ripped it off. Opening the gate Kurama did a strech then sat down again.

"Thank's kit." Kurama said as he put his fist out to bump fist with Naruto.

"No, problem Kurama." Naruto said as he fist bumped Kurama whilst he grabed his chakra. Pulling at the chakra Naruto matched it with his gaining kcc 1." Much better." Naruto said as the sewer turned into a glowing plain of white lite.

"You did it Naru- wait Minato what are you doing here." Kushina said as she looked to her baby and baby daddy.

"I have no clue Naruto please explain." Minato said as Naruto began his tale. Soon Naruto was crying so was Kushina and Minato who where conforting him.

"I'm so sorry Naruto." Kushina said as she hugged her son closer along with Minato.

"It dosent matter, now then I need to know something if it's possible then would either of you like to come back to life i can use a Jutsu that's like edo tensi but it bring's people back completly not that half shit." Naruto said.

"What do you think Kushina." Minato asked as he looked to his wife.

"I dont know I mean we both are dead and should stay dead but Naruto need's us now more then ever he need's support in this but are time already came." Kushina said as she went over the prospect of coming back to life."Hm, first thing we eat is Ichiraku raman when we get brought back." Kushina said with a huge smile.

"That's if I can bring you back I need to see if I have Sasuke's rinnegan and by the look's of it your both out of time." Naruto said as he looked at his parent's fading form.

"Well I guess this is good by for now Naruto be good alright good bye we both love you." Minato said as he hugged his son as he faded away completely.

"Good bye Naruto I love you." Kushina said as she faded away as well not befor kissing her son on the forehead.

The white plain faded as he came into the sewer.

"So how was it." Kurama asked.

"It was alright any way i'll see you later fuzze." Naruto said as he faded out of the sewer.

Out side Naruto's head.

"Alright let's see if we have the rinnegan." Naruto said as he channeld his chakra into his eye's feeling the rush of power to his eye's Naruto opened his eye's to reveal a tomed rinnegan with 9 of them in total." Power's check." Naruto said as he removed the chakra from his eye's as he went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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