All yours

135 3 36

WARNING: smut, unprotected sex, dom!Marlene, sub!Sirius, mommy kink, pegging

Marlene McKinnon wasn't a little pathetic girl anymore. That's how everyone saw her, the little 1st year, who could barely gather up the courage to ask her professor for extra credit.

But now, a blossoming 7th year, she was done with everyone's shit.

She was the only girl on the team, since it was only the 1970's, everyone expected her to suck up to the rest of the empty-headed pricks. This was her chance to show the one person she knew wouldn't treat her like the fragile baby she used to be, that she was the dominant one now.

She saw his dark gleaming hair from the other side of the changing rooms. As the only girl on the quidditch team, she wasn't granted her own changing room, and had to share. She'd been given the luxury of not turning into a whole exhibitionist, and had the last shower stall extended so she could change in peace.

But what if that's not what she wanted?

"Hey, Marly," Sirius smirked from the other side of the room

She ignored him. She would wait until he was on his hands and knees and sobbing. would make him beg for it.

"Oh, I see how it is." Sirius rolled his eyes and dumped his bag in his locker.

Still, she ignored him.

"Marlene!" He said once more

She turned her back and reached into her backpack. She fumbled around and brought out her large, black, leather strap on, and waved it in his face.

"Get on your knees, bitch boy." She told him "Mummy's going to make you pay."

"C'mon Marls, don't you think you're biting off more than you can chew?" Sirius wore an expression that was a mix of false bemusement, fear, and intrigue.

"Oh no, I won't be the one chewing." She replied, and brought out a rubber bone. She threw it at the far corner of the changing rooms.

"Fetch." She demanded

She watched Sirius' inhibitions melt right in front of her.

"Yes Mummy..." he whined

He walked intrepidly over to where the toy lay.
By the time he got back, he was presented with a half-naked Marlene McKinnon, dressed in stark red latex lingerie, wearing the long, seductive strap on.

Sirius couldn't say he was particularly into dick, but for Marlene? Anything.

"Take off your trousers." She said.

He did what she asked.

"Now the tie and shirt." She wasn't asking.

"Don't you want to do it yourself?" He questioned, his dark grey orbs burrowing into hers.

"I'll tell you what I want. I want you to take. Them. Off." Her voice was cold and strict.

He removed the tie and shirt until he was only standing in his underwear and shoes.

"Shall I remove my shoes, Mummy?"

"No Puppy, leave them on." She smirked and walked towards him.

"Get on the bench, and take off those tightie whiteys."

Sirius was spread out along the bench, his underwear discarded somewhere across the concrete floor. His pulsing member was begging for action.

Marlene brought her hand to her latex body set and pulled off the strap that was holding her breasts in. She peeled off the strip, revealing plump, puckered bosoms. She took Sirius' hand and brought it up to her nipple.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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