my dumbass

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"FUCKING fUcK ThiS gAmE" Alex yells, throwing a controller down in a fiery rage. Pip walks in the room with a concerned look on their face, "what are you doing..?" they ask, patting the taller witch's head.

Alex's ear twitches just in the slightest when he looks at the cat, adrenaline still running through his body from the recent loss in the game. "stuff and things." he simply says, drinking the bottle of water that was on the small table in the living room. thats kinda hot.

Pip turns around to walk away, but when they do, they trip and fall on the floor. "Haha cats don't do that." Alex says, pointing at pip."dumbass" they say, seething with anger. "yeah, but im your dumbass, right?" pip furrows their brow and hums in thought.

"...yeah I guess you are." they say quietly while Alex helps them up off the floor. after helping his lover up, the tall boy pulls pip into a snuggle on the couch. "You're stuck with me forever now haha. he says, wrapping his arms and legs around them. pip just sighs with content, knowing that Alex may or may not fall asleep on the couch. again.

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