chapter two ; my hero academia

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- several years later, my hero academia


Mira Desjardins shook her best friend up, his green curls brushing softly against her calloused hands, "We're gonna be late, Broccoli-Bitch. You'd better get a move on before it's too late."

"I don't wanna go," Izuku muttered, pushing away from the girl and back under the sheets, "I wanna... sleep..."

"Nuh uh," Mira shook her head, throwing a full outfit at him as she got up, "There's no way I'm missing you showing me your quirk for the first time. Should I get the water?"

"You're crazier then Mom."

The two had slept over at Izuku's house, actually going to sleep at a reasonable time. They were to both attend the audition the next day, and had decided concurrently to spend the night over.

Cuddled up next to her, Izuku had had a great sleep. His fingers had grazed Mira's, and it was a worthy sacrifice; Mira would take it any day.

There hadn't been a day that she hadn't sacrificed her sleep for him, and she was happy to do it. 

You see, Izuku Midoriya had sleep paralysis. Built from the base by his psychological stress, he couldn't sleep restfully unless it was under a certain temperature. Now, most people can't stand it when it's too hot / cold, etc, but Izuku felt the discomfort 100x worse.

It wasn't every night, that was to be said about it for sure. But when it was, Mira would keep herself awake at night, carefully monitoring the coolness, whilst making tweaks simultaneously.

It was a win-win, too. Mira was able to exercise her quirk more regularly, and Izuku was able to sleep peacefully.

What a friendship.

"Fine," The boy mumbled incoherently, barely making it out of his bed before accidentally stepping on a stray All Might figurine.

"FU-" ( izuku ) 


"Heh. Deserved." ( mira ) 


"Thank you so much, Mrs. Midoriya," Mira didn't stop bowing, even when Inko shook her head, a blush forming.

"Please, Mira, call me Inko. I insist. And, take care of my boy, okay? If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call me. I'm always here for you."

"No can do, ma'am. I will, I promise! Always. Bye, Mrs. Midoriya!"

Leaving the house, Mira hooked arms with Izuku, "Ready for the big day, bunzo?"

"Not really," Izuku fretted, "I just, what if my quirk doesn't work, and then I mess up, and I don't get accepted into the school, and-"

"Zuku, that was a rhetorical question. I don't actually care."



"What? Stop looking at me like that."

"It was a joke, bud."

"Oh. OH."

"Yeah," Mira sighed in playful frustration, "Honestly, you're so dumb sometimes. It actually mentally pains me a bit, to tell the truth."

"Why don't you shut it. Anyways, we're here," The boy pointed up at the big UA sign, "There's no time for any more preparation, Mir. I, I'm gonna fail, I just know it. I can't d-"

"Shut up."

The girl slammed her chest against his, tucking his neck into the crook of her neck, and holding him close, "Shut up now. I won't take any of this from you, okay? You've been busting my balls about entering this school since we've been kids, there's no way that I'm gonna give up now."

"Wow, you two are perfect together. Ugly and Ugliest."

Katsuki Bakugo walked up to them, watching as they disentangled quickly with a smug smirk on his face, "Wish I could take a picture, but I wouldn't want to infect my phone with the virus called your faces."

Mira sneered at him, placing her body in between the two boys, "Don't you have to go home, Katsuki? I mean the dumpster. It's where you got your personality."

He glared back, fingers in a fist, "Call me by my first name again, and we'll see who ends up in a dumpster."

The blonde walked away, and Mira turned around cheerfully, "And there's our dear Katsuki Bakugo to annoy! C'mon, how could you pass that of all things up? Don't be a party pooper, Izu."

"Wh- I'm not!"

"Then let's go inside, goodness."



"You're sure that this is the right one. Right?" Izuku turned to the brunette worriedly, "I really don't want to embarrass us."

"Yeah," Mira nodded, "We have the same class, and I basically mapped mine out, so. We're at the right place."

They both looked up in mild concern mixed with disbelief at the 12 foot something high arch serving as a door, before looking at one another, and stepping in the classroom in unison.

Immediately, they were greeted by a loud noise; there was wooden sounds, smoke, a flash of pink skin, a pencil was floating, a long...tongue? Was that it? Had wrapped around a dry erase marker, and a bunch of arms connected on the same body were reaching for a fallen pencil.

Oh, and there was a human with a bird head. Yep. Totally normal!

"I-" Mira was rendered speechless, unable to form a sentence properly. As to what she was seeing? 

It was chaos unfettered.

But it was her chaos.

"Oh, I'm going to have so, much fun," The girl laughed, and taking her best friend's hand, they both walked in.

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