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" you two look like use are having fun" we turned around and seen a guy walking towards us

" oh fuck off Michael" Rose said and stuck up her middle finger

" you better watch yourself Rose, before I let your little secret out" Michael said and Rose rolled her eyes

" oh come on, your acting like I didn't catch you and, oh what was his name? Jamie? Jack? Ah whatever" she said smirking

" hey that was between us two! Now you've told the crown prince!" Michael said and crossed his arms and blushed

" Michaels had the biggest crush on you ever since the thing with you Simon came out, but don't tell Simon that" she said and I laughed but Michael went a deeper shade of red

" so your parents have two gay kids, seems worse than my situation" I said and she laughed

" please they have two gay kids and a son who has two kids before the age of 20 by two different moms which it's like the best being an auntie but my dad wasn't happy" Michael said as we walked

" what are their names?" I asked them

" Kingston who is three and Inaya who is one they are precious" Rose said and I smiled

We cut the conversation off quickly as we walked back into the hall and seen our parents talking together and laughing.

" well their they are! You guys look happy!" Amanda, Roses mother said

" yeah it was a nice chat, friendly chat" Rose said and smiled

" friendly really? Nothing else?" Mom asked and I sighed

" no mom just friends" I said and she rolled her eyes

" well you know maybe we can give it another chance! Like a date?!" Amanda said and I pulled a face

I walked away from the group to clear my head, I can't stand this anymore. I don't want dates! I don't want a relationship! ALL I WANT IS SIMON!

Thinking of Simon reminded me to actually text him, I haven't all day and he's probably worried or waiting for a text.

Hey baby how are you? Sorry I haven't texted you I've been super busy x
Delivered at 6:30pm

Simon ❤️☺️
Don't worry about it baby, school was ok nothing special missing you though hahahaha. Me, Felice and Sara are going to the movies though tonight x
Delivered at 6:33pm

That sounds fun, I already want to be back at school and wait until you hear what my mom and dad tried to do x
Delivered at 6:40pm

Simon ❤️☺️
You've  gotta tell me all about it when your back, anyway I've gotta go I'll talk to you later love you x
Delivered at 6:43pm

I love you so much x

" Was that Simon?" I turned and seen my mom standing behind me

" yeah" is all I said and her face was unreadable

" for god sake Wilhelm!" She said and slammed her hand down

" mom not now" I said trying to stop her from causing a scene

" Wilhelm! We've tried everything! Why can't you just do this?!" She asked angrily making a few heads turn

" because I don't fucking want too! It's that simple" I said and scoffed at her 

" I don't know what's happened to you and I don't like it all, what stuff has this boy done to you!" she said and few people gasped at how angry she was 

" You've never even meet him properly! He's the best thing to ever happen to me after Erik's death why can't you understand this shit!?" I asked her sadly 

" Kristina! Wilhelm! stop it now" You are making us look bad!" Dad said and shot them both look 

" IF YOU CAN'T EXCEPT THAT I'M IN LOVE WITH A BOY THEN DON'T EVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN!, IF YOU WANT ME TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU BOTH THEN LOVE ME FOR WHO I LOVE!" I shouted hearing a few gasps and before I walked off I seen Rose and Michael smiling and mouthing they are proud. 

why can't my parent's be happy?

𝐖𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 - 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now