"I don't play with girls' feelings by the way." I defend.

She fake yawns and covers her mouth dramatically. "Lies lies lies."

"I'm not lying, Ella."

"First of all, my name is Eleanore, second of all, yes you are lying, you made a two year younger girl cry. You used her!"

"Did not!"

"Draco I was there-"

I throw the brooms on the ground and get up from her bed. I walk aggressively towards her and push her against the wall, making her stand in between the wall and me, not allowing her to walk away.

"I did not fucking use her okay?!" I yell causing her to flinch and close her eyes while she turns her head to the left in order not to look at me. "I'm sorry for making you flinch, didn't mean to. But all I've got to say is that she begged me to fuck her, I was barely in the mood. I just gave in because, why not? A quick fuck doesn't sound bad does it? But I did not force her, it was all her choice, so don't think I'm the bad guy."

"Get off me!" She insists trying to push me away as she hits me on my chest twice, causing me to smirk and let out a chuckle. "Listen, I don't know why you think this is funny but it's not, and you're supposed to teach me how to play Quidditch again, not to make me stand in between you and a wall, blocking me from walking away. My brother could walk in any second and think we're making out!"

"Make out? You want to make out?" I say rubbing her chin with my thumb. "All you gotta do is-"

And then boom, her palm hits my cheek, making me turn my head to the side because of the impact. My hand reaches for my cheek that's probably turning red and rub it softly, until she hits my chest and pushes me away.

I didn't see the push coming so I almost fell over, allowing her to walk away. She picks up her broom and walks out of her dorm.


I run my fingers through my hair while letting out a sigh and punch her wall out of frustration.

I turn around and run outside of her dorm, following her to wherever she might go.

She's a fast runner mate.

We leave the Dungeons, and head upstairs while I follow her. I've got no idea where she's going to.

"Stop following me you idiot, just go back to your dorm or something." She yells as she quickens her pace even more.

God damn she's fast.

She then proceeds to go to the moving staircases and runs up on one of them. And just when I want
to step on the staircases she was running on, it moves to another direction.


Fuck fuck fuck!

I watch her run to another staircase and then she runs towards a ginger.

Definitely a Weasley but can't tell which one all the way from down here.

"Fred! Thank God you're here, you need to let me enter the Gryffindor common room so that I can head to Hermione's dorm." I hear her say to Fred.

"Anything for you, my lady."

"Did George tell you I like being called my lady?" She chuckles leaning to the railing.

"Maybe he did." Fred chuckles. "Anyway, Caput Draconis."

Eleanore tilts her head to the side a bit, confused on what Fred just said until the door slowly opens.

Two of a kindWhere stories live. Discover now