You first wanted to say that you couldn't go because you didn't want to bring everyone in danger by blowing you cover, but you knew you could help them save Nat and that's all that mattered to you now.

A couple hours later you were on the quinjet going trough the plan.

You were supposed to take the security men Down with your earth control and once you guys were in you had to protect everyone with you fire control.

"This plan should work" Steve said

"Landing in 1 minute" Tony said

You guys landed somewhere no one comes, but Tony still made the jet invisible just to be sure no one would find it.

You, Bucky and Steve were staying on the ground while Sam and Tony were going to the roof.

You knock out all the guards while you were hiding behind a wall.

The 3 of you could easily walk to the door and get in, Sam and Tony also got in quite easy.

Tony had hacked the security systems before you guys entered the HYDRA base so there was nothing to worry about.

Nat was guarded by 6 men, 3 were by the door and the other 3 were inside with her.

Steve took out two of the guards Bucky took the last one out.

Shit the door was locked.

Steve tried to break the door, didn't work. Then Bucky tried, no result. They tried together, also no result.

"I'll do it myself then" Tony said while pointing his hand at the door. A big blast came from his hand.

The door fell down, and a alarm started to sound.

"Good job Stark" Steve said

"You guys get Nat, Buck, Sam and I will keep everyone out" Tony said

Steve and you ran inside.

You took down the guards with some fire blasts. And in the mean time was Steve untying Nat.

Nat looked bad, she was tortured, a lot.

Wounds all over her face, a big cut in her upper leg, and her shirt was toorn apart and there were cuts and bruises all over her stomach, and all this in only 2 days.

You felt bad seeing her like this. You almost started crying but you didn't want to show weakness so you held your tears back.

Steve carried Nat out off the room. And you followed them.

The doors were shut down since the alarm got triggered so you guys had to find another way out before the others HYDRA soldiers came.

"Y/N" Tony shouted, you turned to him, "can you make a tunnel underneath the building?" Tony asked

"Yes" you answered

"Well do it now please" Tony said

You closed your eyes and focused on the ground underneath your feet, then you made a opening that was going down in front of you guys.

"Get in! I'll go last and close up behind us" you said

Tony went upfront, Steve with nat behind them then Bucky, Sam and you followed.

Before closing the tunnel behind yourself you saw a few soldiers running towards the place you were standing a few seconds ago.

You made a fire in your hand so there was some light in the tunnel.

You guys got onto the quinjet and Steve laid Natasha on the hospital bed that you guys took with you because you knew Nat was gonna be wounded.

"Y/n" Natasha started, with a soft and broken voice, "I'm sorry for ignoring you, I'll explain it when I'm healed, but for now thank you for getting me out of there" she said

"No problem redhead" you said with a soft smile

"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that" Natasha said.

"Nope, never heard you say that, and I will never stop calling you that" you said "now go rest redhead"

You guys arrived at the tower a couple hours later.

Everyone was waiting for you guys, worried about Nat.

The doors of the quinjet opened, Steve rolled the bed out of the jet and medics came to take Nat to the medic center in the tower.

You wanted to go after them. But Tony stopped you.

"Hey kid go take some rest and a shower and then you can see Nat" he said

"Okay, you also need a shower by the way" you said

Then you left on your way to your room.

The next chapter will have a TW ! Also I hope you're enjoying the story :)

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