August 10th:Part 2

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'Today's the day I become a big brother hmph, where going to be the best brother ever." Deidara thought as he drew a picture of him and his brother as stick figer's.'Maybe me and Naruto will become ninja together or better yet why not artest.' Picking up his art and moving it to his cork board full of other picture's that he's made.'But it dosnt matter what he does or dosnt do i'll still love him.' Deidara thought as he looked at his drawing only for a loud roar to peirce threw the night sky.

Alarm's, siren's, bell's, and whistl's started to sound as screaming could be heard as people ran in the street's to the safe house's.

"W-what's going on." Deidara said as he climd up onto his art desk to see what was going on out side to see a fox with nin tails destroying the village.

Flash back.

"Deidara come here please." Deidara's father said. Hearing his father call for him Deidara went down stair's to see his mother and father sitting at the dinning room table. Sitting across from them Deidara sat down and waited for his his parent's to talk.

"Deidara sweety, as you know Im carring your little brother correct." Deidara nodded." Good, well you see thing's can go wrong when mommy's giving birth to your little brother that could put you in danger so..." Deidara's mom looked to his father.

"If the siren's in the village go off i want you to go to the safe house out in the wood's and when you get there i want you to stay there and wait for me and your mother or one of my anbu to take you home alright."


Flash back end.

Getting down from his desk Deidara ran to the door to his room opening it up he ran down the step's. Running past the dinning room into the living room Deidara opened the door to the back yard and ran out into the wood's to the safe house that was built for the hokage and his family in time's of need.

Befor Deidara could make it to the safe house two masked men dropped down behind him. One put a rag over his mouth nocking him out as the other one tied him up.

"Alright let's go home." The masked men said as they ran out of the village with Deidara.

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